Dr. Potter receives national award

Jane Potter, M.D., "has advanced education for thousands of health professionals."

Jane Potter, M.D., chief of the UNMC Division of Geriatrics, received the 2018 Dennis W. Jahnigen Award from the American Geriatrics Society (AGS). The award celebrates Dr. Potter’s work to train more health professionals in the care all individuals need as they age.

“Over the past 35 years, Dr. Potter’s tireless work has advanced education for thousands of health professionals,” said Ellen Flaherty, Ph.D., chair of the AGS board. “It would be difficult to locate a geriatrics clinician trained in the last two decades whose education has not been shaped in some way by Dr. Potter’s influence.”

A dynamic force driving geriatrics education, Dr. Potter has not only led medical education at UNMC but also has expanded the scope of her work to lead national efforts aimed at increasing the prestige and prominence of the geriatrics workforce.

Dr. Potter is a co-principal investigator for the AGS’s Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP) Coordinating Center — a strategic resource supported by The John A. Hartford Foundation for 44 organizations in 29 states working through the only federal program focused on increasing the number of doctors, nurses, social workers, and other health care professionals trained to care for America’s older adult population.


  1. Carol Russell says:

    CONGRATULATIONS and well deserved!!
    Carol Russell

  2. James Newland says:

    Jane: Congratulations on your recognition and accomplishments!

  3. Steve Wengel says:

    Congratulations, Jane! A very fitting tribute for your tireless work in improving the lives of older adults by your own exemplary clinical work as well as educating the next generation!

  4. Jerrie Dayton says:

    Dr. Potter is very deserving of this award. She has really brought the study of Geriatric Medicine into prominence. Very much needed as our society progresses and lives are extended.

  5. John Benson, MD says:

    Congratulations, Dr. Potter, on receiving the AGS's Jahnigen Award! Dennis was a great guy. Very appropriate and deserving.
    I'm one of those benefiting from your care. I'm well, 5 years after aortic valve replacement here with a couple of incidental bypasses, and enjoying Elizabeth Eckstrom's care on your referral. She and Ginny Tilden, my wife, are colleagues on IPE papers and also for a local foundation offering small grants. Ginny went back to work at the OHSU-SN as Senior Associate Dean for Research, her position before deaning at UNMC-SN.
    Take care, Jane, and my best to Dan. We miss our friends in Omaha.
    John Benson

  6. Carol Gaebler says:

    Congratulations, Dr. Potter! I have been honored to get a chance to work with you over the years. Your wealth of knowledge across all issues related to aging has benefitted so many! Thanks for all you do for this population!

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