Regents tour UNMC

Regent Hal Daub, left, shakes hands with Jeremiah Wilt, computer visualization programming specialist for iEXCEL, as Regent Bob Whitehouse looks on.

UNMC welcomed several members of the University of Nebraska Board of Regents to campus on April 20.

Regents Bob Whitehouse, Jim Pillen, Hal Daub, Bob Phares and Paul Kenney met with Chancellor Jeffrey P. Gold, M.D., and other campus leaders. University of Nebraska President Hank Bounds, Ph.D., and key members of his staff also attended the day’s activities.

Regents met with UNMC representatives to discuss UNMC’s strategic planning and use of the UNePlan tool; attended an E-Learning presentation and discussion; toured the Orthopaedic Biomechanics and Advanced Surgical Technology Laboratory with lab director Hani Haider, Ph.D.; attended a presentation about UNeTech, the university’s technology transfer arm; and participated in a demonstration of the iWall and other academic simulation technology at the iEXCEL Visualization Hub.

Regent Bob Whitehouse was impressed by the technology on display at UNMC, particularly during the iWall demonstration given by Ben Stobbe, executive director of clinical simulation, and others.

“This way of learning and its potential use by future generations is mind-boggling,” he said. “When you see how it is presented and developed, especially across multiple campuses, you realize that students miles apart can learn collaboratively through this technology and these academic programs.

“It’s so inclusive of all sectors of the medical field — you almost have to see it to understand,” he said. “UNMC has to be a leader in this area.”

In speaking to the regents, Dr. Gold touched on UNMC’s partnerships, international collaborations and other local, regional, national and international outreach efforts. He pointed to rising enrollment and also touched on UNMC’s economic impact in the state, including bringing $117 million in research funding to Nebraska in 2017.

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