Anesthesiology names two to newly endowed professorships

Cathleen Peterson-Layne, M.D., Ph.D., and Steven Lisco, M.D.

The UNMC Department of Anesthesiology recently celebrated the naming of two new endowed professors.

About Myrna Newland, M.D.

Dr. Newland retired in June of 2013 after 45 years at UNMC. Dr. Newland made significant contributions to both clinical care and scholarship in anesthesiology, advancing knowledge in the areas of education, quality and patient safety. Her many contributions to UNMC and the department include serving for 19 years in the Faculty Senate, 16 years as director of UNMC’s Equity Office, and twice as interim chair of the department.

Department Chair Steven Lisco, M.D., was named the Myrna Newland, M.D., Endowed Professor of Anesthesiology. Cathleen Peterson-Layne, M.D., Ph.D., chief of the division of obstetrical anesthesiology, was named the Dr. Gail Walling Yanney Endowed Professor of Anesthesiology.

“These endowments are really critical to advancing department mission-driven programs and providing funds to advance education and academic scholarship,” Dr. Lisco said. “They not only recognize the contributions of senior-level faculty but provide an enduring tribute to the donors.”

Following retirement, Dr. Walling Yanney served as executive director of the Clarkson Foundation and as a board member of the Nebraska Medical Center. The endowment was established by her husband, Mike Yanney, in conjunction with the UNMC Department of Anesthesiology, to honor Dr. Walling Yanney and her many contributions to anesthetic practice in Omaha and at UNMC. The Yanneys recently received the J.G. “Jack” Elliott Award, given annually to individuals who have made significant contributions to medicine and health programs for the state of Nebraska.

Dr. Lisco said he intends to use the funds in a manner consistent with Dr. Newland’s vision for scholarly work and creative educational activities.

About Gail Walling Yanney, M.D.

Gail Walling Yanney, M.D., is a UNMC College of Medicine graduate and former Bishop Clarkson Memorial Hospital anesthesiologist who retired from clinical practice in 1986, and as a clinical instructor in anesthesiology at UNMC in 1992.

Dr. Peterson-Layne, who joined UNMC in 2016 from Duke University, will use her endowment to develop innovative research and strategies that further maternal and fetal outcomes.

“Being here has been an adventure, and too good of an opportunity to pass up,” Dr. Peterson-Layne said. “This endowment is just one more way of demonstrating the success of Dr. Lisco’s leadership, and his ability to raise the profile of our department to a national spotlight.”

Drs. Lisco and Peterson-Layne join Executive Vice Chair Andrew Patterson, M.D., Ph.D., as the only endowed professors in the department. Dr. Patterson has held the Margaret Larson Professorship in Anesthesiology since 2015. He uses the endowment to help fund the department’s global outreach efforts.

“Most departments of our size aren’t fortunate enough to have three endowments,” Dr. Lisco said. “This is a reflection of the exceptional quality of our faculty and the generous community willing to support them.”

Department members are honored to be selected for the endowments, Dr. Lisco said, adding that endowed faculty professorships are crucial for recruiting and retaining the highest-quality faculty.

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1 comment

  1. Laurey Steinke says:

    It is fantastic to see Dr. Newland honored in this way. I have worked with her for a number of years in her various responsibilities on the campus, and our interactions have always been a joy.

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