Upcoming events

The Munroe-Meyer Guild's Garden Walk is June 10.

Upcoming events of interest to the MMI community:


  • Today: 6:45-10:15 p.m. ET Behavioral health Virtual Job Fair. Click here to register. To join, you will need a phone and a computer or tablet with internet connection.
  • April 12: 10-11 a.m. The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) invites you to watch a special 2018 Spirit Lecture featuring Temple Grandin, Ph.D. The event will be webcasted live and available here. Dr. Grandin’s talk, titled “Developing Individuals with Different Minds,” will share her experience working through her own challenges with autism to become a prominent author and speaker.
  • April 28: Save the Date! HETRA Presents: Blue Jeans & Dreams. Click here for more information.


  • May 31: 4-6 p.m. Retirement celebration for Bruce Buehler, M.D. Linder Reader Room in the Sorrell Center on the UNMC campus, 42nd & Emile streets. More information to come.
