Lookin’ at U: Kristine Sanger

Each Thursday, we randomly feature a medical center employee. This week, we learn more about Kristine Sanger, preparedness program specialist, biosecurity & biopreparedness, UNMC College of Public Health.

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Kristine Sanger and her husband Shawn and daughters, Sierra, 6, and Savannah, 8, while on a hike in Arizona.

  • Name: Kristine Sanger
  • Hometown: Brandon, S.D.
  • No. of years at UNMC: 10

Tell us a bit about what you do here at UNMC.

I have worked with disaster preparedness at the College of Public Health the entire time that I’ve been here. I started as a disaster exercise coordinator to help hospitals throughout Nebraska with disaster drills. I am now on other projects that include working on the curriculum team for the new Training and Simulation Education Center for Highly Infectious Diseases and the Association of Healthcare Emergency Preparedness Professionals, which was created right here at UNMC. My passion is working on growing the association into the “go to” place for health care disaster professionals to network, share, and work together and educate each other in preparation for the future of health care challenges in disasters.

“Courage” is one of UNMC’s brand values. Tell us about a time you’ve seen courage at UNMC.
I see courage every day as the entire college faces new challenges with budget cuts and doing more with less. These have been difficult times for all of the staff and I see people all over campus showing that they are up for the challenge.

What is your favorite winter activity?
My favorite winter activity is getting out of town to avoid winter! I love to travel south with my husband and two daughters and our trips often involve hiking, swimming and seeing family in Arizona. When I am home in the winter, I like to sit by my fire, crochet and dream about summer times at Lake Okoboji. I definitely think that watching winter from inside is better than participating in winter out in the cold!

List three things people may not know about you.

  • I have been a Girl Scout troop leader for four years and absolutely LOVE working with girls who are going to change the world.
  • I love to paddleboard at the lake or any ocean beach I can get to.
  • I have two dogs, one of which is a new puppy that has been trying to completely destroy my house since Christmas!
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1 comment

  1. Karen Stiles says:

    Congrats, Kristi! Well deserved.

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