Resident program director of the month

Name:  Claudia Barthold, MD

Medical school attended:  University of Tennessee, Memphis

Location of your residency/fellowship training:

Residency: LSU Health Science Center, emergency medicine residency, New Orleans

Fellowship: Emory/CDC Medical Toxicology Fellowship

What residency/fellowship program at UNMC are you serving as program director for:

Emergency medicine

Number of trainees:  Currently 28

How long have you been the program director:  Since June 2013

What made you chose to become the program director:

I served as the assistant and associate program director for several years and the opportunity to move up to the program director presented itself. I got excited at the opportunity to help shape emergency medicine training at UNMC. 

What challenges do you foresee in graduate medical education in the future:

Funding – We will have to continue to be creative and work with a variety of partners to pay for graduate medical education in the future.

What are the strengths of your training program:

Without a doubt, the best part of our program is the extraordinary clinical experience at not only our own emergency department but also at each of our four rural partners where our residents rotate.

List some accomplishments that you are proud of:

Growth of the residency to 10 per class;

Continued successful national recruitment of excellent medical students to join the residency;

Multi-modal approach to didactics.

Tell us three things about you that others may not know:

I was an art history major in college.

I am the only person in my entire family that chose to pursue health care as a career. 

There is almost never a time where food is "too spicy."

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