Rita Laire is honored with Gold U

Rita Laire

Ask Rita Laire, the January recipient of the Gold U, to talk about herself, and you get a shrug, an apologetic look and a short answer.

“I’m just in a support role.”

Ask her to talk about her department and her colleagues — the administrative professional and faculty services coordinator has been at UNMC for 20 years and in the UNMC Department of Internal Medicine since 2005 — and it’s a different story.

“I’ve been blessed to work with professionals at all levels,” she said. “Not just the physicians, but also the administrative support staff and the administrators. It seems like a helpful environment — you feel like you’re actually contributing.”

Laire’s supervisor, Debra Romberger, M.D., chair of internal medicine, is a little more specific about her contributions.

“Rita is continually looking for ways to improve processes and procedures for the department,” Dr. Romberger said. “She embraces newer technology to achieve improvements . . . she is a great problem solver . . . she is always willing to consider one more new approach if someone comes up with an alternative after she has researched an issue.”

Angela Peppers, vice chair of finance and administration in the department, called Laire’s dedication to the department and co-workers remarkable.

“Her support and contributions are immeasurable in terms of process improvement and attention to detail. Rita is always willing to go the extra mile to ensure quality work for us all,” she said.

But apart from this, she is a caring friend and co-worker.

“That shines through in terms of what she does both at work and in her family and community,” said Dr. Romberger. “Rita looks at how to help co-workers whenever something difficult happens in their lives. She has helped organize meals or other forms of assistance for so many when there is an illness, injury, death or other life challenge. She is very sensitive to the needs of patients who may end up calling our administrative office instead of a clinic — she finds the person who can help address the need in a very timely fashion.”

Although Laire is reluctant to talk up her own role, she is proud to be a member of the UNMC community.

“There’s a sense of pride and accomplishment when you see UNMC or Nebraska Medicine, the overall entity, mentioned in the news. A lot of those patient stories are centered here, in internal medicine. So that gives you a feeling of accomplishing something — even though you’re not directly involved, you’re involved overall.”

While Laire may not be directly involved in patient care, Dr. Romberger said, she is directly involved in making the department, and UNMC, stronger.

“She is truly a wonderful ambassador for the whole of the campus,” Dr. Romberger said.

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  1. Sue Pope says:

    Congratulations Rita!! It has always been a pleasure to work with you!!

  2. Karla Mace says:

    Congratulations Rita, well deserved.

  3. Barb says:

    Congratulations Rita!

  4. Sharon McLean says:

    Congratulations Rita!

  5. Carol Gould says:

    Congratulation Rita. I appreciate all you do.. Carol Gould/Cardiology

  6. Robin Jaeckel says:

    A very well deserved honor. I have been honored to work with Rita for many years and have learned much from her. Thank you and congratulations my dear friend.

  7. Carol Casey says:

    Congratulations, Rita!! A very well-deserved honor, thanks for all you do!
    Carol Casey

  8. Don Coyne says:

    Congratulations Rita – very much deserved !

  9. Stacia Luther says:

    Congratulations Rita! Kudos to you – a very well deserved recognition for your dedication to UNMC!

  10. Dolores Cunningham says:

    Congratulations Rita! You are a pleasure to work with.

  11. Lisa says:

    Rita's value to the department cannot be overstated. If there is ever a Platinum U award, Rita should be the first to get it. Congratulations!

  12. Pam Welch says:

    Congratulations Rita! You are very well deserved of this award!!

  13. Cindy Clark says:

    Congratulations Rita! You're expertise is always much appreciated!

  14. Diane Strnad says:

    Congratulations, Rita – very deserving award!

  15. Renee Young says:

    Congratulations to Rita, a very deserving award for ALL that you do!

  16. Julie Zetterman says:

    Congratulations Rita. Well deserved.

  17. J Potter says:

    No one is more deserving of recognition than Rita Laire. She is the go to person in IM administration. She personifies professionalism and is 100% reliable while being efficient.
    All this and she is a really nice person!

  18. Peter Coccia says:

    Well deserved Rita. Thank you for all your help over the years. PETER

  19. Dawn Nevarez says:

    Congratulations Rita!

  20. Marlene Novotny says:


  21. Renee Jizba says:

    Congratulations! I appreciate all you do for me.

  22. Colleen says:

    Congratulations, Rita! A truly well deserved recognition of one of the most efficient and dearest people I know!

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