Great Plains IDeA-CTR offers funding opportunities

The Great Plains IDeA-CTR has announced three funding opportunities, with requests for applications that are due by 5 p.m. Jan. 31.

The three specialty areas are:

Cancer Research: The goal of the pilot program is to provide support to the most promising and novel clinical-translational research (CTR) projects and help investigators obtain preliminary data necessary for successful investigator-initiated extramural grants.

Up to $100,000 will be offered, to be spent in 24 months, but applicants must have a strong explanation as to why this project would benefit from two years instead of one year. The first $50,000 will be given for 12 months and at the end of month 12, a progress report will be due. The second $50,000 for months 13-24 is contingent upon submission of a progress report where sufficient progress has been shown in the first year.

Biomedical Informatics: The goal is to support new investigators in obtaining extramural funding for use and integration of large data sets, such as the NIH Big Data to Knowledge initiative. The intent with the Biomedical Informatics Big Data Pilot is to encourage use of pragmatic methods to enhance learning within health care.

A total of $35,000 will be awarded. Individual awards will range from $2,500 to $20,000. Proposals can fall into one of two categories: Big Data and Data Demonstration. The purpose of this funding program is to support preliminary studies demonstrating the use of large datasets in clinical and translational research.

Community Engagement: The goal of this funding program is to achieve community impact and advance science through partnerships between community organizations and clinical and translational research investigators. Proposals that are responsive to this call will include community partners as active collaborators across the span of idea generation, proposal development, study implementation, analysis and interpretation of the results, and development of future directions — for both research and community impact.

  • Community-engagement Project Award – Up to $50,000 for one year is available.
  • Community-engagement Planning Award – Up to $15,000 for one year is available for small awards averaging $2,500 each.

For links to the full RFAs, click here.

For questions, please contact the Great Plains IDeA-CTR Office by email or by calling 402-552-2260.

The Great Plains IDeA-CTR is a collaboration of eight eligible institutions which include: Boys Town National Research Hospital, North Dakota State University, University of Nebraska at Kearney, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, UNMC, University of Nebraska at Omaha, University of North Dakota, and University of South Dakota.