Lookin’ at U — Kalani Simpson

UNMC's Kalani Simpson with son, Eli

Each Thursday, we randomly feature a medical center employee. This week, we learn about:

  • Name: Kalani Simpson
  • Hometown: Waiohinu, Ka’u, Hawaii
  • No. of years at UNMC: Five

Tell us a bit about what you do here at UNMC.
I am a communications specialist in the UNMC Department of Public Relations. This can mean any form of communication that tells the med center’s story to our government officials, donors, stakeholders and those we serve. Mostly, it’s a lot of writing: stories for UNMC Today or Connect, press releases and op-eds, website copy, occasional marketing or advertising, collaborating on ideas for video projects. I even sometimes write scripts for Dr. Gold, which, as he’ll tell you, he may or may not stick to (the inspirational stories are all him). I’ve also tried to be as versatile as possible, pestering Abby Meyer to teach me about social media and backing up Rich Watson on the occasional photo assignment.

Healing is one of our ITEACH values: Show the empathy you feel. Be selfless in caring for patients, one another and the community. Tell us of a time you witnessed this value at UNMC.
Our department has a strong culture of being supportive of each other taking time for family or medical issues. When our bosses and co-workers empower us to take care of what we need to take care of, we come back even more ready to do our best work. And to be there for them, too.

What is your favorite fall activity?
We spend our weekends running back and forth between nonstop kids sports and activities. (If you want to put a sponsor logo on a softball team banner, email me.) It’s a lot of fun, but very hectic. I need some lazier, less well-rounded kids.

List three things people may not know about you.

  • I’ve had one newspaper I used to work at (in Shenandoah, Iowa) burn down, another newspaper I used to work at (in Honolulu) merge and change its name, and my old college close down and shut its doors for good. But, all of these things happened years after I left those places. So I figure as long as I’m actually here, UNMC is in very little danger of ceasing to exist.
  • I’ve interviewed a number of celebrities, including Kobe Bryant, Tracy Austin, Arnold Palmer and 2013 Scientist Laureate Howard Fox.
  • I have a beautiful wife, three cute kids and a demanding cat — so I’m exhausted.
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  1. Nicole Lindquist says:

    Kalani is such a great asset to UNMC! I look forward to reading everything he writes. Miss you all in the PR department 🙂

  2. Fran Higgins says:

    We're lucky to have Kalani as our beat writer for the CAHP! It's always a pleasure to work with him. Great photo, btw.

  3. Dawn Nevarez says:

    Kalani, can't believe it took 5 years to get you highlighted in Lookin' at U. You are a blast to work with.

  4. Tom O'Connor says:

    My nickname for Kalani is Special K. His writing is definitely a special skill, and he has an awesome sense of humor. We are lucky to have him on the PR team.

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