Dr. Gold: Strategies to better support UNMC, UNO academic missions

Chancellor Jeffrey P. Gold, M.D.

To better support the academic mission, accelerate collaborative potential and align the two campuses’ infrastructure, several specific functions at UNO and UNMC will be integrated, Chancellor Jeffrey P. Gold, M.D., announced on Wednesday.

Forum set for Sept. 6

A campus forum to discuss the UNO-UNMC integration initiatives will be held at 11 a.m. Sept. 6, Fred & Pamela Buffett Cancer Center, Yanney Conference Room. The forum will be livestreamed, and advance questions with be accepted at unmcevents@unmc.edu.

“These steps reflect best practices from across the country, and they are the result of many, many conversations that have taken place across both of the campuses and with university leaders across the country,” Dr. Gold said. “Ultimately, these will allow us to better serve our students, faculty and staff and importantly strengthen our mission-driven focus.

“I want to emphasize that these strategies are intended to strengthen each campus. We certainly will continue to evaluate them periodically to ensure that they are enhancing our value to all of our stakeholders: the UNO and UNMC families, the citizens of Nebraska and our truly global community of alumni and partners.”

Dr. Gold outlined the adjustments following hundreds of personal interviews and taking into account the recommendations of CFAR, a respected management consultant group that interviewed dozens of UNMC and UNO faculty, staff and students over the past several months.

The strategies include the following key areas:

  • Shared leadership of business and finance. The two open vice chancellor positions will become one, with the position expanded to include a focus on economic development and internal business development functions. A search for this position will commence shortly.
  • Shared leadership of student affairs. UNO’s leadership in student affairs will be leveraged to strengthen those functions on the UNMC campus. Dan Shipp, Ed.D., will lead this effort as vice chancellor for student success, a new joint leadership position created to strengthen and coordinate these functions across the campuses. In this new role, he will report directly to Chancellor Gold.
  • Changing the role of the UNMC vice chancellor for academic affairs. As part of this strategy, the UNMC deans will report to Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Dele Davies, M.D. This strengthens UNMC’s campus-focused academic leadership.
  • Utilizing the strengths of each campus to better align communications, marketing, public relations, and government relations — with coordination with alumni relations — under UNMC Vice Chancellor for External Relations Bob Bartee. As part of this change, UNO’s Office of University Communications will report to Vice Chancellor Bartee.

“As we make these changes, it’s important to note that each campus will maintain its own mission, as well as its own identity and brand,” Dr. Gold said. “That said, these changes will provide a foundation for UNMC and UNO to move forward, leveraging our collective talent and expertise. The sky is the limit and I’m excited for our future.

“As always, I welcome your questions. Please plan to attend our next campus forum.”

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