2017 Internal Medicine Research Awards

Award recipients from left: R. Logan Jones, Dr. Kristina Bailey, Jordan Broekhuis, Dr. Kaleb Michaud and presentor Dr. Ted Mikuls. Not shown Dr. Bryant England.

Five Investigators Received 2017 Internal Medicine Research Awards.

Kristina Bailey, MD, associate professor, Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care, Sleep and Allergy, received the Basic Science Research Award. In 2016, she received an NIH NIA R01 and has had previous NIH and foundation research funding. Dr. Bailey has about 30 publications and 19 conference presentations. She holds officer or committee positions in professional societies of her specialty. Dr. Bailey serves on editorial boards of two major lung journals. She was also honored with the Bruce Henriksen Competitive Research Award.

Kaleb Michaud, PhD, associate professor, Division of Rheumatology & Immunology, received the Clinical Research Award. Dr. Michaud has a prominent national and international reputation in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) with more than 25 invited presentations. He also has received the highest non-physician award from the American College of Rheumatology (ACR). Dr. Michaud has contributed to several ACR committees and chairs the ACR development of RA Disease Activity Measures committee. He received a 2017 UNMC Distinguished Scientist Award. Dr. Michaud has over 140 manuscripts and 200 abstracts to his credit and has been successful at obtaining extramural grant support.

Bryant England, MD, received the Fellowship Research Award. Dr. England was also the 2017 Internal Medicine Scientist Development Award recipient. He has had three first-author manuscripts in premier rheumatology journals and was first author of a book chapter. Dr. England has had numerous abstracts and presentations at national meetings. He became assistant professor of the Division of Rheumatology and Immunology in July 2017.

Jordan Broekhuis, MD, then fourth-year medical student in the Enhanced Medical Education Track (EMET) received a Medical Student Research Award for his work with mentors Drs. Susan Swindells and Sara Bares. He designed and implemented a survey, presented the findings at the Conference for Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections and has a manuscript in preparation.

R. Logan Jones, MD, then fourth-year medical student, also received a Medical Student Research Award for his work with mentor, Mark Rupp, MD. Dr. Jones completed two research projects, presenting an abstract at the Student Biomedical Research Forum and another abstract at the Annual ID Week Meeting in New Orleans in October 2016. A paper was submitted to a peer-reviewed journal.

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