The inaugural UNMC Impact in Education Awards were given in February.
"The Impact in Education Awards have been to recognize the excellent contributions of faculty at UNMC to our educational mission." H. Dele Davies, MD, MS, MHCH, vice chancellor for academic affairs said. "As UNMC strives to lead the world in instructing and mentoring health science students at all levels, we believe that recognizing faculty who are making a difference in this area is critical."
Dr. David O’Dell, LeeRoy Meyer Professor, was given the inaugural Educator Laureate Award. Dr. O’Dell has served for more than 21 years as the College of Medicine Internal Medicine Clerkship Director and Internal Medicine Undergraduate Education Director. For the past 14 years the Internal Medicine Clerkship and the Internal Medicine Department have been rated the top clinical clerkship on the COM student evaluations and on the AAMC’s graduation questionnaire. Dr. O’Dell has been recognized annually as a top teacher by both medical students and Internal Medicine residents and was retired into the Golden Apple Hall of Fame.
Devin Nickol, MD
Dr. Devin Nickol was selected as the recipient of the Interprofessional Education Scholar Award. Dr. Nickol is nationally known for his role in interprofessional education (IPE). He serves as UNMC’s assistant dean for IPE. In this role, Dr. Nickol has been guiding the development of IPE programs at UNMC for many years, including chairing of the campus-wide IPE Curriculum Committee that oversees campus-wide IPE days for UNMC students. The program under Dr. Nickol’s direction provides three campus IPE days annually for approximately 500 students with 80 campus faculty acting as facilitators. At each event students take part in small groups with the facilitators with the goal of promoting teamwork, communications and professionalism.