UNMC RN to BSN program ranked 13th in country

Lynnette Leeseberg Stamler, Ph.D., associate dean for academic programs, UNMC College of Nursing

TheBestSchools.org has ranked the UNMC College of Nursing’s R.N. to B.S.N. program 13th out of 50 best RN to BSN online programs in the country.

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TheBestSchools.org is a resource for campus and online education.

The rankings are based on six categories:

  • academic excellence based on a school’s curriculum generally or within the selected discipline;
  • strength of faculty scholarship;
  • reputation;
  • financial aid;
  • range of degree programs; and
  • strength of online instruction.

“We are very proud of our R.N.-B.S.N. program which is partnered with the University of Nebraska Online Worldwide,” said Lynnette Leeseberg Stamler, Ph.D., associate dean for academic programs. “Many health care employers are encouraging their R.N.s to complete the B.S.N. degree, and we have increased our course offerings in order to meet the need. We are excited about this recognition of our program.”

The R.N. to B.S.N. program is an online advancement program for current registered nurses with an associate degree in nursing or a diploma in nursing. Curriculum is presented through distance education, with courses available on demand anytime. Some courses may occasionally require live or time-specific classes.

Students complete prerequisite courses totaling 58 credits, some of which may be satisfied by an existing nursing degree. Students are admitted three times a year — in January, May and August. Required nursing coursework consists of six classes for 20 credits. Students also complete a portfolio, which accomplishes the final 11 credits.

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  1. Kelly Gaudineer says:

    Looking to apply for RN to BSN

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