News briefs

Drs. Bayles, Iwen elected Fellows in American Academy of Microbiology 

The UNMC Department of Pathology and Microbiology received exceptional news this month with the election of two members in the same year to the American Academy of Microbiology.  

Ken Bayles, Ph.D., professor, pathology/microbiology, and associate vice chancellor for basic science research, and Peter Iwen, Ph.D., director of the Nebraska Public Health Laboratory and professor of pathology and microbiology were selected during the 2017 review of nominated candidates.  

Academy Fellows are eminent leaders in the field of microbiology and are elected annually through a highly selective, peer-review process, based on their records of scientific achievement and original contributions that have advanced microbiology. The membership represents all subspecialties of microbiology, including basic and applied research, teaching, public health, industry, and government service.  Globally there are 2,500 members of the academy.  

"This is a very special honor for two outstanding microbiologists," said Steve Hinrichs, M.D., chair of the department. "Ken has distinguished himself for his contributions to the concept of programmed cell death in bacteria as well as his work with microbial biofilms. Peter is a renown expert in mycology or ‘fungi’ and has written the definitive chapter for this field in addition to his discovery and characterization of multiple new species of mycobacteria." 

Drs. Bayles and Iwen will be recognized at the Academy Fellows Reception in New Orleans on June 2, and their awards will be published in ASM Microbe.

UNMC psychiatrist participating in April 4 workshop on opioid abuse

A UNMC psychiatrist, Alena Balasanova, M.D., will be part of a panel discussion on the impact of opioid abuse on the workplace. The panel is part of a workshop that will run from 7:30 a.m. to noon on Tuesday, April 4, at the Weitz Community Engagement Center at the University of Nebraska of Omaha.

The event, which is sponsored by Human Resource Association of the Midlands (HRAM) and the Wellness Council of the Midlands (WELLCOM), is open to the public. The workshop is part of a series that HRAM and WELLCOM have partnered on to provide business professionals with expert information on trending topics of compensation, benefits and wellness.

A 2012 graduate of Harvard Medical School, Dr. Balasanova is an instructor in the department of psychiatry. She specializes in dealing with people with addictions.

She will be joined on the panel by Chad Robacker, group supervisor in the Omaha District Office of the Drug Enforcement Agency – Tactical Diversion Squads, and David Kramer, an attorney with the Omaha law firm of Baird Holm.

Cost is $40 for members of WELLCOM or HRAM, and $65 for non-members. UNMC/Nebraska Medicine employees would qualify for the $40 member rate. Click here to register for the event.

Howard Liu, M.D., named to American College of Psychiatrists

Howard Liu, M.D., associate vice chancellor for faculty development and associate professor of psychiatry, has been named a member of the American College of Psychiatrists. The induction ceremony was Feb. 24 in Scottsdale, Ariz. According to the organization's website, the American College of Psychiatrists comprises more than 750 psychiatrists who have demonstrated excellence in the field of psychiatry, and achieved national recognition in clinical practice, research, academic leadership or teaching.

Dr. Shiffermiller wins research award at Perioperative Medicine Summit

The Society for Perioperative Assessment and Quality Improvement presented its Best Research Presentation Award to Jason Shiffermiller, M.D., at the 12th Annual Perioperative Medicine Summit in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. Dr. Shiffermiller is assistant professor in the Division of General Internal Medicine, Section of Hospital Medicine. His research involved randomizing patients to preoperative continuation or discontinuation of angiotensin-converting-enzyme (ACE) inhibitors to determine the safest way to manage a specific type of medication before surgery. ACE inhibitors are a commonly-prescribed type of blood pressure medication.

May Pediatric Research Forum open for registration

The Pediatric Research Forum will be held May 11-12 in the atrium of Children's Hospital & Medical Center. The forum is free and open to the public. The schedule is as follows:

Thursday, May 11
4:30-5:30 p.m. – Keynote speaker Mark Hall, M.D., Nationwide Children's Hospital, speaking on "Immune Function and Immunomodulation in Critical Illness: Finding Shelter from the Storm"
5:30-6:30 p.m. – Poster session with refreshments provided

Friday, May 12
7:30-9:30 a.m. – Poster session with breakfast provided
8-8:30 a.m. – Grand Rounds – Resident research presentation
8:35-9 a.m. – Outstanding Teaching Awards presentation 

BHECN holds sixth annual mentorship dinner

The Behavioral Health Education Center of Nebraska (BHECN) hosted its sixth annual mentorship dinner at Joslyn Castle on Jan. 25, bringing together 100 students, trainees, providers, educators and advocates to network, mentor and make connections. Behavioral health students and professionals representing counseling, social work, psychiatry, psychology, nursing, physician assistant programs and more participated, along with students from the High School Alliance program at UNMC. To learn more about the event or becoming a BHECN Ambassador mentor, contact Ann Kraft. View the BHECN Mentorship Dinner video here.

UNMC student Michael Price presents at Gordon Research Seminar

Michael Price, a third-year M.D./Ph.D. student, was selected to give an oral presentation at a Gordon Research Seminar for Cilia, Mucus and Mucociliary Interactions in Galveston, Texas, last month. This presentation was related to Price's work studying the effects of alcohol in contributing to increased risk for pneumonia, specifically due to a defect in mucociliary clearance and motile cilia function. His work is funded by the National Institutes of Health though an NRSA F30 grant awarded to Price.


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