Impact in Education: Shelby Kutty, M.D., Ph.D.

Shelby Kutty, M.D., Ph.D.

Shelby Kutty, M.D., Ph.D., is one of the recipients of the Office of Academic Affairs inaugural Impact in Education Awards.

Inspirational Mentor of Educators Award

This award recognizes an individual who has mentored and sponsored junior faculty or trainees at the local, regional, or national level including a consistent track record of fostering future educators.

  • Name: Shelby Kutty, M.D., Ph.D.
  • Title: Vice chair of pediatrics; associate professor of pediatrics, internal medicine and physiology; director of cardiac imaging and research
  • Joined UNMC: 2008
  • Hometown: Kochi, India

Tell us how mentors inspired you.
I have been fortunate to have several great mentors during my training and career thus far. Dr. Larry Latson, mentor during training at the Cleveland Clinic, emphasized meticulous execution of strong methodology, and urged me never to shy away from a difficult challenge.

Dr. Thomas Porter has been a wonderful mentor over the years at UNMC, influencing me with his innovation, adaptability and persistence. Dr. Porter taught me by example to develop learning networks and ongoing collaborations, thus facilitating continued professional growth.

I have learned from Dr. David Danford, mentor and close friend at UNMC, to remain passionate about one’s mission, give due credit to everyone, and be objective in the interpretation and presentation of data. These individuals have inspired me tremendously, but I must also credit the influence of Drs. Tal Geva (Boston), Stephen Archer (Kingston, Canada), Stuart Berger and Peter Frommelt (Milwaukee), Jim Wilkinson (Melbourne, Australia), and Brian McCrindle (Toronto, Canada) during my training years and beyond.

Describe your proudest moment as an educator/mentor.
Each of my 35-plus trainees over the past nine years at UNMC have had unique needs and career paths, but I have enjoyed all of their successes. When my mentees are selected to medical schools, residencies, fellowships, complete their PhD programs, launch their own careers, and receive promotions — all have been proud moments.

What advice would you give other faculty members who want to have an impact in education?
Faculty must understand that dedication to education and mentoring is key, and they must expect to invest much time, energy and resources in this process. They must not grow weary or lose heart because ultimately the return on investment is extremely high. Working with medical students, residents and fellows is a mutually rewarding experience, which promotes growth and invigorates all. Along with my trainees’ development, I have been rewarded with personal intellectual growth and enhancement of my own skills.

Do you have a favorite quote or philosophy on teaching?
A Mahatma Gandhi quote is my favorite: “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”

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  1. Brad Britigan, M.D., Dean, UNMC College of Medicine says:

    "Over the course of my career, I have seldom seen such an outstanding testament from medical students as to how a single faculty member can have such a positive impact on them."

  2. Richard G. Azizkhan, M.D., Ph.D. (hon), President and CEO, Children's Hospital and Medical Center says:

    “A well-deserved award for one of our preeminent scientists.”

  3. John W Sparks, M.D., Chair of Pediatrics, UNMC College of Medicine says:

    "Dr. Kutty is a unique and very accomplished person, with a remarkable talent for engaging others in education and research."

  4. Sharon McLean says:

    Congratulations, Dr. Kutty!

  5. KG says:

    Congratulations Dr. Kutty! You are the best!

  6. Dr. Ed L. Hansen says:

    Congratulations Shelby. These kinds of acknowledgments do not occur by chance. They are the direct result of one's committed action to do good unto others. So many could benefit from observing what you do and how you do it. I noted that you as a Mentor to others were quick to acknowledge your Mentors.

  7. Ron Clement says:

    Congratulations Shelby! Well deserved

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