McGoogan Library opens new Reflection Room

The McGoogan Library of Medicine will open a new space for reflection in the library today.

The Reflection Room, made possible by funding from the UNMC Department of Psychiatry, will be available to students, faculty and staff to carry out quiet meditation or reflection.

The room holds displays of art that will rotate periodically, soft lighting and comfortable cushions and mats for meditation. A massage chair also is available in the room, and contemplative music selections are available for access via QR code on mobile devices.

The Reflection Room is on the eighth floor of the library in Room 8016A and is open to all during regular library hours. No reservations are required.

McGoogan Library also has a Wellness Corner on the northwest side of the sixth floor. Large-format relaxing images, a coloring station, and wellness-themed books on relaxation techniques, yoga, and managing stress are available. Relaxing song and music recommendations also are available in this area via QR code on your mobile device.

“We hope use of the new Reflection Room and the Wellness Corner in McGoogan Library proves to be an enjoyable experience that contributes to the well-being of all on our campus,” said Emily McElroy, director of the library.

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  1. Barb Glover says:

    Thank you UNMC for embracing the need for people to slow down and calm down. I hope we can be a role model for other business and schools. Another reason I am proud to be an employee.
    Barb Glover – MMI

  2. Fran Higgins says:

    Another great addition! Thank you, UNMC! 😀

  3. Jeff Lovelace says:

    This will be a wonderful addition to the McGoogan services, thank you UNMC!

  4. Nancy Gillett, Spiritual Care says:

    It's awesome!

  5. Ann Medakovich says:

    Is this room still available? Can you tell me who oversees this area?

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