Research Leadership: Robert Lewis, Ph.D.

Robert Lewis, Ph.D.

This profile is part of a series to highlight the researchers who will be honored at a ceremony for UNMC’s 2016 Scientist Laureate, Research Leadership, Distinguished Scientist and New Investigator Award recipients.

The Research Leadership Award

The Research Leadership Award is intended to honor scientists previously recognized as Distinguished Scientists who have a longstanding research funding history and also serve as research leaders and mentors on campus.

  • Name: Robert Lewis, Ph.D.
  • Title: Edward and Lida Robinson Professor of Cancer Research, Eppley Institute for Research in Cancer and Allied Diseases
  • Joined UNMC: 1991
  • Hometown: Downey, Calif.

Research focus:
Colon cancer

The best advice I could give a beginning researcher is to work for the best interests of those you train and employ, and those of your employer. Hope that they will work in your best interest in return. My guess is that’s the only way to build lasting loyalty and respect.

The toughest lesson I’ve learned is whatever lesson life is currently teaching me. Each prior lesson seems easier by comparison.

The best part of my job is the arrival of new data from the lab. For an acute rush, that’s No. 1. But from a larger perspective, it’s watching the development of the students in my lab into critical thinkers and budding independent scientists.

Three things you don’t know about me:
Are either uninteresting or things I don’t want you to know.

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  1. Tom O'Connor says:

    Congrats, Rob, on the awesome recognition. You da' man! Have to say your last answer left me wanting more. You should have told folks about how you dunked over a UCLA basketball player when you were in high school. Now, that was impressive to me!

  2. John Davis says:

    Rob, Congratulations!

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