NU system collaboration initiative RFAs now open

The University of Nebraska’s new
System Science Collaboration Initiative is now accepting requests for applications (RFAs) for grant funding.

The initiative is intended to facilitate and strengthen research collaborations between faculty in the broadly defined engineering and/or quantitative/data-science fields with any other discipline.

Application information

UNMC PIs should submit their applications to Deborah Hawkins no later than Jan. 13, 2017. All grant applications must include a completed cover page form, project description and budget. UNMC researchers who collaborate as co-PI with other NU system faculty PI also should send copies of the completed grant application to Hawkins. Questions? Contact Paula Turpen, Ph.D., at 402-559-6162.

Funding opportunities also will be available for the Food for Health Collaboration Initiative introduced last year. The Food for Health initiative was developed to further enhance Nebraska’s research capacity to address critical societal and human health issues related to food. For more information, visit the Food for Health website.

These RFAs are intended to encourage intercampus collaboration, and proposals will not be considered for funding unless meaningful multi-campus and appropriate disciplinary collaborations are documented. A principal investigator (PI) employed by one University of Nebraska campus must identify at least one collaborator affiliated with another campus. In addition, for System Science proposals, at least one collaborating faculty member (as a PI or co-PI) must bring meaningful engineering, biomechanics or quantitative/data-science disciplinary expertise.

Several grants are available in the System Science and Food For Health initiatives.

Planning and Proposal Generation Grants: (System Science only)
These are one-year grants of up to $20,000 each to build new collaborations across NU campuses.

Formed/Forming Team Seed Grants: (System Science and Food for Health)
Two-year grants of up to $150,000 each to enhance research collaborations among PIs that have had modest levels of previous collaboration.

Team Strengthening Seed Grants: (System Science and Food for Health)
Two-year grants of up to $300,000 each to strengthen existing research collaborations so that faculty teams become more competitive for significant extramural research funding.

General eligibility
Assistant, associate or full professors and equivalent-rank researchers employed by any University of Nebraska campus who attended the Oct. 28 retreat are eligible to submit funding applications as PIs. Seed grant PIs must have a record of extramurally funded research as a PI or co-PI. Planning grant PIs without previously funded grant experience should consider the benefits of including a team member with such experience.

PIs may apply for no more than one planning grant and one seed grant associated with this combined Food for Health and System Science RFA for fiscal year 2016-2017. There is no limit on their participation as co-PIs.