Legislative candidate Jim Gordon tours UNMC

From left, UNMC's Anne Bowen joined legislative candidate Jim Gordon and campaign aide Sara Newton for a tour of the Nebraska Biocontainment Unit, led by nurse Angie Vasa.

Jim Gordon, a legislative candidate in District 25, encompassing Waverly, Neb., and part of Lincoln, toured UNMC last week.

Gordon met with UNMC leaders, including Dele Davies, M.D., vice chancellor for academic affairs and dean of graduate studies; Ken Bayles, associate vice chancellor for basic science research; Jane Meza, Ph.D., senior associate dean, College of Public Health, and others.

His visit included a tour of the Nebraska Biocontainment Unit.

Gordon said the medical center had taken a leadership role in dealing with the treatment of infectious diseases.

Medical and health care issues are important to him, he said.

“I support medical care at all levels,” he said. “I was the beneficiary of excellent medical care when I was wounded in Vietnam, and I have been the patient of many expert, excellent physicians through my lifetime, and I just can’t say enough about medical care as it exists in Nebraska.”