COM employee spotlight

Name:  Patty Davis

I’ve been at UNMC for 23 years this past March, and have worked in the department of pediatrics the whole time, and it has been so much fun. Working with the faculty, residents and students has been very interesting, and I’ve learned so much. It’s especially nice to see the students and residents "grow up" and become faculty, hopefully here. I think that UNMC is one of the friendliest places to work, because just walking down the hall you see smiles and "hellos" from everyone. It can be a very positive environment.

What I enjoy the most are the people. I can call anywhere on campus with a question and everyone is more than willing to help or to guide me to where I can get help. Everyone from the environmental services crew to the chancellor’s office are willing to help their co-workers however they can, and that is awesome. Being able to kid around with my co-workers and get in some good laughs is a plus. We all work hard every day, and I think taking the time to laugh is important to un-focus, relax, then get back to getting projects done.

Your favorite memory of working at UNMC:

A memory that really sticks in my mind is one from a few years after I started here. There was a major tour bus crash on the interstate with multiple injuries, and UNMC was going to be inundated with injured people, family members, questions, media, etc.

Without hesitation, there was an area set up in a room by our department for family members to gather to get information. Offices in my department were cleared so that those family members could use our phones to get information or call loved ones with information they had learned. It amazed me that even though I hadn’t trained for this type of event, that everyone was calm, doing whatever they could to help, and didn’t even think twice about it. After the fact, it really made me proud that I was working with people that knew how to react to an adverse situation in a calm manner.


I grew up a tomboy, so I like "guy" things like boating, fishing, camping, four-wheeling, watching football, classic cars and motorcycles.

List three things people may not know about you:

  • Since I am asked very often if I’m limping or if I hurt my foot, I don’t think that some people know that I was born with spina bifida, but I’m very lucky because most people who are born with it can’t walk at all. I only have nerve damage from the knee down in one leg so I’m thankful for that.
  • I have a Pitbull named Lucy, who will lick you for an hour, if you let her.
  • I have arm wrestled Hulk Hogan, Billy Squier and Bob Kerrey. Not going to say if I won or not!


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