News briefs

Dr. Jennifer Parker receives the Hirschmann Golden Apple for clinical faculty

Jennifer Parker, M.D., associate professor, internal medicine and pediatrics, was awarded the Hirschmann Golden Apple for clinical faculty at the College of Medicine Hooding Ceremony on May 6. Dr. Parker has become known as the "Fun Friday" lecturer on the internal medicine clerkship.

Joe Marion, president of the Class of 2016, said, "As med-peds program director, she has worked tirelessly to expand the program's presence on campus yet is always taking the time to be there for students and residents alike. Most importantly, Dr. Parker stands out for being a kind and caring mentor. Her positive attitude and cheerfulness are contagious. Whether about medicine or just life in general, no question is too big and no problem too small."

Dr. Buch completes ELAM Program for Women

Shilpa Buch, Ph.D., vice chair of research and director of the Nebraska Center for Substance Abuse, recently completed the Hedwig van Ameringen Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine (ELAM) Program for Women.

ELAM is the only in-depth national program dedicated to preparing senior women faculty at schools of medicine, dentistry, and public health to effect sustained positive change as institutional leaders. Dr. Buch was nominated for the program by UNMC College of Medicine Dean Bradley Britigan, M.D.

As part of the program, Dr. Buch developed an institutional action project that focused on "alleviating the burden of substance abuse and thereby, health care costs, in the state of Nebraska through innovative collaborative research, premier education programs, top-notch quality patient care, and outreach to the drug abusing/underserved populations."

Graduate Medical Education presents inaugural awards

UNMC's Graduate Medical Education (GME) presented inaugural awards to two individuals at its June 18 surgery graduation banquet.

Chandra Are, M.D., received the Robert S. Wigton Most Valuable Program Director for leading an outstanding residency or fellowship program and making significant contributions to UNMC's institutional GME efforts. The award is named for Robert Wigton, M.D., who worked at UNMC for more than 40 years and served many years as associate dean for GME.

"Dr. Are is an outstanding program director and has played a key role in the development and implementation of our new GME funding model," said Michael Wadman, M.D., associate dean for graduate medical education, in announcing the award. Dr. Are also served on the Executive Committee of the Graduate Medical Education Committee (GMEC), guiding the development of a new Annual Program Evaluation process.

Jeffrey Carson, M.D., a resident in general surgery, received the GME Resident Service Award for his contributions to the institutional GME mission. He has served as a member of the GMEC for four years, including as resident representative on the GMEC Executive Committee and was the founding chair of the Resident Quality Council.

"Residents and fellows are our eyes and ears on the front lines of education and patient care, so their participation in GME oversight is key to our success as an institution," Dr. Wadman said.

Dr. Mott honored with Basic Science Outstanding Teacher Award

John (Pat) O'Gara, M.D., of the College of Medicine Class of 1962, presented the 2015-16 Basic Science Outstanding Teacher Award to Justin Mott, M.D., Ph.D., at a dinner honoring the awardee on May 9.

Dr. Mott's wife and children attended the dinner recognition along with Surinder Batra, Ph.D., chair of the UNMC Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Dean of the UNMC College of Medicine Brad Britigan, M.D., and Richard MacDonald, Ph.D., a mentor of Dr. Mott.

The College of Medicine Class of 1962, in partnership with the College of Medicine Dean's Office, has provided this award annually since 1989 to recognize a UNMC basic science professor.

Dr. Mohr receives American Liver Foundation fellowship

Ashley Mohr, Ph.D., postdoctoral research associate in the UNMC Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, has been awarded the 2015 Charles Trey, M.D., Memorial Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Award from the American Liver Foundation for her project "FGFR4: regulation of miR-93 and characterization of a novel FGFR4 fragment."

Dr. Mohr, a native of Grand Island, received her bachelor's degree from Dana College and her Ph.D. in cancer research from the Eppley Institute in 2013. That same year, she joined the lab of Justin Mott, M.D., Ph.D., in biochemistry and molecular biology.

Dr. Mohr was awarded this fellowship based on a competitive application she submitted to the American Liver Foundation. The fellowship is for one year and provides supplemental salary support.

Each year, the American Liver Foundation offers Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Awards to encourage the career development of individuals with research potential who require additional research training and experience. The award supports investigational work related to liver physiology and disease in order to prepare the recipient for a career in independent research.

Dr. Ernest speaks about newly available CPR device

Eric Ernest, M.D., assistant professor, department of emergency medicine, and EMS medical director for the state of Nebraska, spoke at a press conference on May 18 in Lincoln about the LUCAS Chest Compression System, a CPR device now available throughout the state thanks to a grant from The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust.

"With the deployment of this new device in the state, we are seeing some great results with 16 lives already saved," Dr. Ernest said. "We are able to do better, more consistent CPR for longer periods of time in the prehospital environment which is directly tied to improved outcomes. I am excited to see how we as a state progress and move the needle in regards to cardiac care and outcomes from cardiac arrest."

Student Senate Executive Committee for 2016-17

Daniel Cloonan, College of Medicine – President

Krista LaBruzzo, College of Medicine  – Vice President

Tyler Chonis, College of Medicine – Treasurer

Kandy Do, College of Public Health – Secretary

As president of the Student Senate, Cloonan also will serve as the UNMC student regent.

Awards announced in pediatrics

The Pediatric Residency Banquet was held May 13.  Awards were presented to the following faculty and house officers:

  • Adam Reinhardt, M.D. and Cristina Fernandez, M.D. received the Outstanding Academic Faculty Member Teaching Award.
  • Michael Dawson, M.D. and Janie Mikuls, M.D. received the Gilbert C. Schreiner, M.D. Outstanding Community Faculty Member Teaching Award.
  • Katie L Greenwood, M.D. and Danita Velasco, M.D. received the Deborah Munson Barger Resident Award.
  • Katie L. Greenwood, M.D. also received the George Miyzakai Award for research.

At the Pediatric Research Forum on May 13, awards for excellence in student teaching were presented to the following faculty and house officers:

  • Arwa Nasir, M.B.B.S. received the Outstanding Faculty Teaching Award.
  • Karen Higgins, M.D. (Grand Island) and Betsy Stephenson, M.D. (Omaha) received the Outstanding Community Faculty Teaching Award.
  • Cody Heston, M.D. received the Outstanding House Officer Teaching Award.
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