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Omaha Gives! event today supports SHARING Clinics

On May 25, join the Omaha community in Omaha Gives! — a 24-hour charitable challenge to benefit the community’s nonprofits.

This year’s online fundraising event features nearly 700 local nonprofits, including the UNMC SHARING Clinics.

Each year, UNMC student and faculty volunteers provide medical care to people in need by offering high-quality, low-cost health care and human services.

Through the four SHARING (Student Health Alliance Reaching Indigent Need Groups) Clinics nearly 1,000 people each year receive primary health care; HIV and STD testing; primary care for Type 2 diabetes; and vision care.

The UNMC students involved in SHARING change and save lives not only by providing quality care, but also by managing the clinics’ operations which includes fundraising for SHARING’s annual budget.

But UNMC wants to help even more families in need.

Please support the UNMC SHARING Clinics through Omaha Gives! For every $1 donated, roughly $8 in medical services can be provided.

Visit omahagives24.org on May 25, from midnight to midnight, to donate and to see other organizations that are participating. Every gift will make a difference and help UNMC programs receive a percentage of a matching challenge gift available to all participating organizations.