Professional development classes graduate

Graduates from the Foundations for Success program

The UNMC Department of Human Resources held graduation ceremonies earlier this month for its latest Foundations for Success and Management Series classes.

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Graduates from the Management Series

Foundations for Success is a career development and networking series open to office service staff at UNMC. The annual series aims to strengthen employees’ skill foundations so they experience the highest level of success in their current position and are motivated to advance forward as leaders in current or future UNMC positions.

The curriculum included sessions on change, navigating difficult conversations, creativity and Myers-Briggs.

There were 56 graduating participants. For a list of graduates, click here.

The eight-month Management Series provides UNMC supervisors, managers and administrators with the tools to become highly effective leaders. It also provides participants with an understanding of UNMC policies and procedures.

The curriculum included sessions on leadership, conducting difficult conversations, performance management and Myers-Briggs.

There were 45 graduating participants. For a list of graduates, click here.

If you’re interested in training and development opportunities on campus, please visit the Professional Development webpage. If you have any questions about professional development please contact Margaret Boyce or Diane Kortus.

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1 comment

  1. Aileen Warren says:

    Congratulations to all of the graduates!

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