Lieutenant governor praises MMI graduates

From left, Lt. Gov. Mike Foley, LEND director Cynthia Ellis, M.D., and Wayne Stuberg, Ph.D., interim director of the Munroe-Meyer Institute.

Nebraska Lt. Gov. Mike Foley attended the Munroe-Meyer Institute’s graduation luncheon last week as the institute celebrated its long-term and post-doctoral trainees through its discipline-specific training programs and its Interdisciplinary Leadership Education (LEND) Certificate program.

Lt. Gov. Foley said the training and expertise at MMI would make the graduates “very much in demand” and that they were going to “touch the lives of many families and make a profound difference for the good.”

Cynthia Ellis, M.D., who hosted the event, praised the graduates for their effort and said the faculty and staff at MMI would watch their future careers with interest.

“We really do produce high-quality professionals who go out in the world and make a difference,” she said.

Alyson Hanish was honored as the interdisciplinary research project winner; Brandon Grimm, Ph.D., of the UNMC College of Public Health, who helped judge the project entrants, presented her with the certificate.

In all, 37 trainees were presented with certificates at the graduation event.

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