Lookin’ at U – Bobbi Hartshorn

Each Thursday, we randomly feature a medical center employee. This week, we learn more about:

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Bobbi Hartshorn and friend

  • Name: Bobbi Hartshorn
  • Hometown: Scottsbluff
  • Number of years at UNMC: 28 years

Tell us about what you do here at UNMC.
I have worked for the College of Nursing, Western Nebraska Division, as an office associate, providing administrative support to our student services coordinator. We are a very small campus, and having the opportunity to work more closely with students is a benefit of that. It is exciting to me to welcome a new class each fall and be able to work with such a variety of personalities.

What is your favorite spring time activity?

My favorite springtime activity is just being outside as much as possible. While walking is my favorite activity year round, being able to walk outside is the greatest. Next to chocolate, it is a wonderful stress reliever for me.

Working together is one of UNMC’s brand values. Tell us of a time you witnessed a person or group act work together at UNMC.
With the change in curriculum several years ago and concerns within the College of Nursing about how this change aligned with other areas, Dean Juliann Sebastian, Ph.D., appointed a task force to look at the organization of the undergraduate curriculum with department structure and the need for streamlined communication. In this charge, she reminded the task force to always consider the strategic plan, vision, mission, and systems structure while undertaking the assignment.

During the task force committee meetings I was able to sit in to take notes, and I witnessed what I think is a perfect example of a positive group process: This task force assignment was completed under the leadership of committee chair Karen Schumacher, Ph.D.; meetings were conducted in an atmosphere of mutual respect; in conversations, a sense of value and gratitude for everyone and their positions within the CON was noted; task force members were fully engaged at each meeting; and sharing of opinions was always encouraged and appreciated.

List three things people may not know about you.

  • I enjoy listening to contemporary Christian music.
  • I am one of four sisters. My oldest and youngest sisters were born on the same day, six years apart. The sister who was born three years after me (she died when she was 5 months old) shared my birthdate — four sisters, two birthdays!
  • I tend to be rather quiet in a group setting.
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  1. Kristi Brummels says:

    You are a joy to work with Bobbi. I am so glad you are a part of our UNMC family!

  2. Karen Schledewitz says:

    Bobbi you truly are the best!! I would not have made it here without you. You not only are wonderful at the duties you carry out but you show care and compassion for everyone that steps in your office

  3. Leslie Biggs says:

    Great to see you in the limelight!

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