New membership will promote diversity at UNMC

Aileen Warren, director of human resources

UNMC is now a member of the Institute for Diversity in Health Management, a group of more than 1,000 of the nation’s leading hospitals and health systems with a mission and vision of health care equity, diversity, and inclusion and cultural competence.

UNMC’s membership covers all employees, which entitles employees to participate in all member benefits offered by the institute.

“Membership in the institute will provide tools for UNMC leadership, faculty and staff to enhance campus diversity and inclusion efforts,” said Aileen Warren, director of human resources. “We are pleased to be part of the institute and to help in promoting its important mission.”

To gain access to any of the members-only areas, employees will need to create an account by using their email addresses and creating their own password.

Below are direct links to just a few of the institute’s most popular programs and resources:

Member directory: An online, innovative directory that enhances opportunities for member-to-member networking and includes the ability to search by city, organization, credentials and more.

Diversity dialogues: Popular educational webinars featuring nationally renowned speakers discussing pressing topics in health care. As institute members, employees receive free access to these webinars.

Career Center: An online job database linking health care employers with diverse job candidates nationwide. Institute members may post unlimited job openings an unlimited amount of times. Executive search assistance is available.

Summer Enrichment Program: This program connects UNMC with minority MHA graduate students from local schools to complete a 10-week internship within UNMC or Nebraska Medicine. Many membership hospitals use this program as a pipeline for meeting and recruiting bright, young minority staff. As an institute member, UNMC will receive a reduced rate on administration fees.

Additional member benefits here

Institute membership provides UNMC with access to the latest resources and materials from both the institute and its supporting partners. In order to stay informed on the latest news and events from the institute, please bookmark their website, or contact Jessica McElroy to be added to the email listserv.

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