Virtual reality in medicine topic of Jan. 5 Omaha Science Cafe

Joseph Siu, Ph.D., an associate professor of physical therapy education in the College of Allied Health Professions at the University of Nebraska Medical Center will discuss the use of virtual reality in medical training and research, at the next Omaha Science Café at 7 p.m., Jan. 5 at the Slowdown, 729 N. 14th St.

Dr. Siu’s primary research area is in both motor control and biomechanics, focusing on the elderly and minorities. He focuses on fall prevention in aging, rehabilitation and intervention. He also studies motor learning in human performance using virtual reality technology.

Dr. Siu has degrees in biomechanics, human physiology and physical therapy.  He studies the mechanism of human balance control, locomotion through simulation and has developed training programs for community-dwelling older adults.

Science Cafés involve a face-to-face conversation with a scientist about current science topics. They are open to everyone (21 and older) and take place in casual settings like pubs and coffeehouses. Each meeting is organized around an interesting topic of conversation. A scientist gives a brief presentation followed by a question and answer period.

Pizza will be provided for the first 50 people. For more information about Science Cafes, go to Podcasts of previous Science Cafes also are available on the website or available for download on iTunes here.

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