The Alliance in Focus: Savana Nawojski

Savana Nawojski

Sixty members of the UNMC High School Alliance are among the students taking classes at UNMC this academic year.

The students come from high schools around Omaha and take college-level classes to prepare for health careers.

Today we meet:

  • Name: Savana Victoria Nawojski
  • High school: Westside High School
  • Year: Senior

How did you learn about the UNMC High School Alliance?

I was friends with a lot of upperclassmen. They were undoubtedly the coolest people I have ever met, and I really looked up to them. They all had a lot of ambition, and some were just downright geniuses. When I was a sophomore, they were seniors and I remember seeing them walking down the halls with the black shirts and khakis. Oddly enough, I thought they looked awesome. My friends were past Alliance students Danny Dooling and Naomi Samuel. I really picked their brains about the program and that is why I decided to apply when I became a senior, and, well, here I am.

What sparked your interest in science?

I wasn’t really interested in science until my sophomore year of high school when I took a physiology class. This class finally fulfilled my idea of a “real science class.” It had all the dissections, microscope work and information that I actually found interesting. Also, following the class, we visited a cadaver lab, and the complexity of the human anatomy really amazed me. From there on out, I became really interested in science. It is the only subject in school that I actually think is useful.

What are your career aspirations?

I plan to go to medical school after my undergrad and hopefully get into a residency somewhere to become a surgeon. I am not sure what type yet, but I know that I want to work with patients.

What has been the best part of your UNMC High School Alliance experience so far?

I love when we get to do hands-on activities. For example, just recently in pathology we got to suture a pig’s foot and that was unbelievably fantastic and fun. I really enjoyed that activity.

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  1. Sandy Williamson says:

    Congratulations Savana on your participation in the HSA! Hope you have a fabulous year.

  2. Dorota Zatonska says:

    Congratulations Savanka !!!!!!! :):):):):):):):):)

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