Share your Thanksgiving with international students

The Graduate Student Association is seeking persons or families to host international students at Thanksgiving dinner this year.

“We are asking members of the UNMC community to please consider opening your homes and sharing an important part of your American culture with curious international students,” said Cheng Wang, Ph.D., social co-chair of the Graduate Student Association.

“You will be providing not only food and companionship, but a taste of American hospitality and the chance to participate in an important American tradition that many international students would greatly enjoy.”

It’s not only the students who enjoy the visit.

Last year, Sandy Williamson, a resident coordinator in pediatric dentistry, hosted five students in her home. She found the experience so much fun she is hosting another group this year.

“It was an awesome time and experience for all of us, really one of the best Thanksgivings I’ve had,” Williamson said.

At this time, Dr. Wang has more students interested in attending a dinner than she has families to host them, so she is reaching out for some help. If you are interested in hosting a small group of international students this year, please contact Dr. Wang and supply:

  • Your name;
  • Contact information; and
  • The number of international students you’d like to host.

Contact Dr. Wang via email or at 402-738-0530.