Influenza open clinics begin Oct. 22

Open clinics for all personnel — including students, staff, house officers and volunteers — to receive influenza vaccination begin Oct. 22.

All health care providers, students and employees are expected to document their vaccination status in the database (receipt of vaccine, reason for vaccine declination or vaccination received elsewhere). An enterprise-wide goal of 90 percent has been set for vaccination receipt. This includes UNMC, Nebraska Medicine and Clarkson College.

“All of us associated with Nebraska Medicine — students, doctors, nurses, volunteers, administrators, and support personnel — have an obligation to provide a safe environment for patients,” said Mark Rupp, M.D., UNMC professor of internal medicine-infectious disease and medical director, infection control & epidemiology at Nebraska Medicine. “One way to do your part to protect patients is to get a flu shot. The influenza vaccine is the best tool we have to prevent the flu.”

View Julie’s story

A variety of venues are available to receive the vaccine:

  • Clinics beginning Oct. 22 — view the full schedule here.
  • Clinic and inpatient units. (Staff assigned to clinics and inpatient units can receive vaccination on their units.)
  • Special clinics — Some student groups and specialized employees will have specific clinics established. Contact your department leadership for additional information.
  • Off-site (VA, private physician, retail pharmacy).

Tracking of vaccinations must be completed by Dec. 31 to comply with national reporting requirements. The online system will enable you to easily insert where you received your vaccine or your reasons for declination. Click here to complete the online form now.

Protect yourself, protect your patients and protect your family. Get the flu vaccination. It’s the right thing to do.

Q & A about influenza

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