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The Alliance in Focus: Jayden Jensen

Jayden Jensen

Sixty members of the UNMC High School Alliance are among the students taking classes at UNMC this academic year.

The students come from high schools around Omaha and take college-level classes to prepare for health careers.

Today we meet:

  • Name: Jayden Jensen
  • High school: Bellevue West High School
  • Year: Senior

How did you learn about the UNMC High School Alliance?
In my junior year, I studied sports medicine taught by our school’s athletic trainer. Through her, I learned about the UNMC High School Alliance (HSA) program.

What sparked your interest in science?

In 2008, my uncle was diagnosed with colon cancer and after several years battling cancer, he passed away in 2012. In 2013, my great-grandfather was diagnosed with bladder cancer which spread to his lymph nodes and was the reason for his passing in 2014. These men had a profound impact on my life and are what drives me to discover a deeper understanding of myself and science.

What are your career aspirations?

Due to my declining hearing disability, I am determined to study American Sign Language (ASL), on top of pursuing a medical degree in oncology. However, I’m keeping my options open. With these skills, I can ease communication between hard of hearing and deaf patients with health staff and work as a health care professional as well.

What has been the best part of your UNMC High School Alliance experience so far?

My experience with the HSA Program has been an extraordinary eye-opener. I knew I had interest in health care professions and, with my life experiences, wanted to study oncology. The HSA Program has taught me to keep an open mind on health care professions I would want to specialize in, because all professions play a huge role in caring for a patient. Through the HSA program, I’ve already obtained many skills and friendships, which makes me excited to see what the future holds.

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