Researchers present at military health symposium

From left to right: Dong Wang, Ph.D; Marsha Morien; Yulong Li, M.D., Ph.D.; Valeriya Kettelhut, M.D., M.P.H.; Keely Buesing, M.D.; Marilynn Larson, M.D.; Joseph Siu, Ph.D.

Seven UNMC researchers joined more than 1,700 military medical clinicians and scientists, academic and industry leaders at the 2015 Military Health System Research Symposium in August in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.

More than 750 researchers gave oral presentations or exhibited posters. UNMC researchers presented on topics related to combat casualty care and rehabilitation of warfighters.

Premier scientific meeting

The Military Health System Research Symposium, sponsored by the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs, is the Department of Defense’s premier scientific meeting. It is a venue for communicating and discussing new scientific knowledge resulting from military-unique research and development. It is the only military or civilian meeting that focuses specifically on the unique medical needs of the warfighter.

  • Keely Buesing, M.D., assistant professor, surgery. Presented a novel method to provide oxygen to patients with severe lung damage using microbubbles.
  • Mark Carlson, M.D., professor, surgery. Shared new methods to control severe bleeding, with co-authors Ujwal Yanala, M.D.; Jason Johanning, M.D.; and Iraklis Pipinos, M.D.
  • Valeriya Kettelhut, M.D., adjunct instructor, surgery-transplant. Presented new ways to improve awareness of patient status for health care providers, with co-authors Trevor Van Schooneveld, M.D.; David F. Mercer, M.D., Ph.D.; Jane Meza, Ph.D.; James McClay, M.D.; and Michelle Schwedhelm, Nebraska Medicine.
  • Yulong Li, M.D., Ph.D., associate professor, emergency medicine. Shared new treatments for reversing tissue damage caused by tourniquet use, with co-authors Dongze Zhang, M.D.; Jinxu Liu; Dong Wang, Ph.D.; and Robert Muelleman, M.D.
  • Dong Wang, Ph.D., professor, pharmaceutical science, College of Pharmacy. Presented on two new drugs; one that improves bone healing and another that reduces severe pain with reduced mental side effects, with co-authors Yijia Zhang, Ph.D.; Zhenshan Jia, Ph.D.; Hongjiang Yuan, M.D.; Ke Ren, Ph.D.; and Edward Fehringer, M.D.
  • Marsha Morien, chief administrative officer, computer assisted surgery. Shared results from the use of mini-robots for telesurgery while at sea, with co-author Dmitry Oleynikov, M.D.
  • Marilynn Larson, Ph.D., assistant professor, pathology/microbiology. Presented a faster and more accurate method to identify different types of tularemia, with co-author Amanda Bartling.
  • William Thorell, M.D., associate professor of neurosurgery. Shared a noninvasive method to evaluate pressure changes in the brain such as are seen in traumatic brain injury.

Two researchers had abstracts accepted, but did not attend:

  • Dmitry Oleynikov, M.D., director Advanced Surgical Technology, Computer Assisted Surgery, and Joseph & Richard Still Professor. Submitted a poster on the remote use of robotic tools for emergency care, with co-author
    Carl Nelson, Ph.D.

  • Ka-Chun (Joseph) Siu, Ph.D., associate professor of physical therapy education. Submitted a poster on the use of virtual reality training to acquire medical skills, with co-authors Marsha Morien and Dmitry Oleynikov, M.D.
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