Lookin’ at U – Dorene Scheffel

Each Thursday, we randomly feature a medical center employee. This week, we learn about:

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Dorene Scheffel

  • Name: Dorene Scheffel
  • Hometown: Council Bluffs
  • No. of years at UNMC: One and a half years

Tell us about what you do at UNMC.

I am the customer service associate in the UNMC Facilities, Management and Planning, Operations and Maintenance Department. I back up the facilities help desk dispatcher taking phone calls and creating work orders when the multi-line phone is ringing or she is gone. I do all sorts of things from equipment/parts organizing and inventory, creating spreadsheets for tracking things, gathering compliance documentation to organizing anything that needs it.

Commitment to excellence is one of UNMC’s brand values. Tell us of a time you witnessed a person or group demonstrate commitment to excellence at UNMC.
I see the commitment to excellence every day in the facilities operation department. Mechanical things break — imagine that! I see this department work hard to get things fixed and running so people who work at UNMC and Nebraska Medicine can do their job and aren’t too inconvenienced. From a light that’s out to helping get rooms ready for patients who are arriving for medical care, the department strives to make sure things are repaired and ready to go!

What is your favorite summer activity?
Summer brings my family together to attend the Malvern, Iowa, celebration the weekend after the Fourth of July. My husband drives my father’s No. 8 Auto Pushball Car in the Dutch Gun Club Yellow Jackets vs. the Red Devils yearly game. Since 1947, (I think) old Model A cars with roll bars play soccer with a big 6 football. (Google it — it’s something to see!)

List three things people may not know about you.

  • I drive to Ames quite often to see or help out with my 22-month-old granddaughter, Alaina (who is also called Lainee).
  • I had a total hip replacement almost 18 years ago when I was 36. I like to blame my four kids and husband for needing a new joint, but I’ve had juvenile rheumatoid arthritis since I was 5 years old, and it wore out. I’m sure they contributed to the wear and tear though!
  • I worked in facilities at UNO for more than four and a half years before coming to UNMC. My title was facilities TMA dispatcher, so coming to UNMC facilities is very similar work, just new, great people to work with!
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