Women’s services to hold open house Thursday

It’s been two years in the making and many years of planning.

On Sept. 1, the next phase to combine all of Nebraska Medicine’s Department of Women’s Services into one location will open.

Phase two of the renovations on fourth floor of University Tower are complete, and employee open houses are planned for Thursday. Staff may tour the renovated space and enjoy refreshments from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 7 to 10 p.m. on Thursday.

The new area houses two triage rooms adjacent to the passage way to the Olson Center, new labor and delivery rooms, three new ORs, a GYN exam room, a nursery and infant resuscitation rooms.

Phase three will involve the current connector between Units Two and Four. Construction will create eight flex rooms which will accommodate gynecology, postpartum or antepartum rooms.

When all the work is completed in mid-2016, the labor and delivery unit on level four of Clarkson Tower will close, and all women’s services operations will move to University Tower, level four.

“Our staff has worked very hard over the past five years to merge functions, staff and processes between Clarkson and University Towers,” said Michelle Bomer, manager of Women’s Services. “It has presented many challenges but they have risen to the challenge and grown in so many ways. We are very excited to have the new physical space that we have been preparing for and finally be in one unit!

“This is an advantage not only from a cost perspective, but it also allows us a closer physical location, which continues to improve patient safety and staff satisfaction.”

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