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Team of colleagues will identify organizational values

Beginning next month, colleagues from UNMC and Nebraska Medicine will begin work on shared organizational values. A team of 150 colleagues – 75 from each organization — will work from September 2015 through March 2016 to identify our values.

“We think it’s important for our colleagues to shape the culture of our organizations,” said Jim Kieffer, Nebraska Medicine lead organizational development consultant. “At the end of this effort, the representatives will identify which characteristics our colleagues should possess, in order to achieve our collective goals.”

Linda Cunningham, division director of UNMC’s Employee Relations and Organizational Development & Diversity, will be working alongside Kieffer to facilitate the five sessions.

“We look forward to the conclusions that the team will come to,” Cunningham said. “As part of the process, all colleagues will have an opportunity for feedback, as there are plans to survey all staff for input.”

The monthly team meetings will be held in the evenings, from late September to mid-January. An invitation will be emailed to 150 colleagues next week, and RSVPs are due by the end of August. If you receive an invitation but are unable to attend all five sessions, please decline the invitation and an alternate will be selected from your area.

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