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College of Medicine Student of the Month – Anthony White, second-year medical st

Anthony White

Editor’s Note: Each month, InterCOM will highlight a "Student of the Month" from the College of Medicine. Students will be featured for their participation in activities outside of medical school and for making a difference in the community. The goal is to recognize students for what they are doing and to encourage other students to get involved in the community. After all, medical school should be much more than studying.  


Name: Anthony White

Hometown: Union Star, Mo.

Program/Year: College of Medicine/M2

Education:  Bachelor of science in biochemistry from University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Activities: I get antsy if I don't keep myself busy, so I direct that energy into activities that I think will guide me to become a true leader and develop my future medical career. Just to name a few: COM Class of 2018 president, UNMC student senator, Student Alliance for Global Health, UNMC Center for Advanced Surgical Technology research on surgical simulation, studying a whole bunch, and a multitude of other events and organizations at UNMC. 

Hobbies:  Hunting, fishing, camping, hiking, playing guitar, hunting some more, building stuff with power tools, hitting stuff with a hammer. In other words, if it's manly, I probably do it. 

Staying Balanced:  To break up long study periods and keep myself from going insane, I (try to) stay healthy and in shape. You'll almost never catch me at the gym, but you might find me running on trails around lakes and natural areas, or running down some pheasants outside of the city limits. I also make an attempt to keep up my social appearances with classmates or college friends whenever possible.

List three things people may not know about you:

1. If it wasn't already apparent, I like to hunt. Everything. All of the time.

2. Ten years from now, I hope to be starting an orthopaedic surgery practice somewhere down south.

3. I absolutely hate vegetables.Why do they even exist?

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