Lookin’ at U – Joshua Mischo

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Joshua Mischo

Each Thursday, we randomly feature a medical center employee.
This week, we learn about:

  • Name: Joshua Mischo
  • Hometown: Omaha
  • No. of years at UNMC: This is my first year at UNMC College of Public Health.

Tell us a bit about what you do here at UNMC.
I work in administration for the dean of the College of Public Health.

“Being a trusted resource” is one of UNMC’s brand values. Tell us of a time you witnessed a person or group being a trusted resource at UNMC.

I see everyone around me working together as a team here at the College of Public Health, focusing on making Nebraska the healthiest state!

What is your favorite summer activity?
My favorite summertime activity is to be in my yard planting flowers and doing house projects. I have two dogs which also keep me busy.

List three things people may not know about you.

  • I worked in the beauty industry for the last 10 years
  • I make the best cheesecake you will ever have.
  • I have a niche for interior design.
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  1. Fran Neff says:

    So glad you are with us Josh! The verdict is still out on that cheesecake though! LOL

  2. Aleta Gaertner says:

    You are an asset to our team, Josh!

  3. Cathy Ely says:

    So happy to have you as part of our team!

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