Vice Chancellor Leuenberger to step down in July

Don Leuenberger

A key figure in UNMC’s dramatic growth over the past three decades, Don Leuenberger announced today that he will step down in July as vice chancellor for business and finance.

In his role as vice chancellor, Leuenberger, 70, was responsible for all campus facilities, budget, human resources, information technology, finance/business services, security and legal service. More than 600 people are included in these departments.

A fixture in State Capitol

Don Leuenberger’s name is widely known in the halls of the Nebraska State Capitol building.

Working in the Nebraska State Budget Office and as state tax commissioner for the Nebraska Department of Revenue, he served on the staffs of five Nebraska governors and the cabinets of four. They included Norbert Tiemann (staff only), James Exon, Charles Thone, Kay Orr and Ben Nelson.

Between 1995-1998, Leuenberger took a leave of absence from UNMC to serve as director of social services/policy secretary for the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services. In this role, he led a massive reorganization effort involving the merger of five state agencies.

At UNMC, his career spanned five different chancellors – Charles Andrews, M.D., Carol Aschenbrener, M.D., William Berndt, Ph.D., Harold M. Maurer, M.D., and Jeffrey P. Gold, M.D.

During Leuenberger’s 27 years as vice chancellor, building space on campus has more than tripled, going from 2.3 million sq. ft. in 1988 to more than 7.1 million sq. ft. (including 837,000 sq. ft. of building space under construction).

“Don has had an outstanding career,” said UNMC Chancellor Jeffrey P. Gold, M.D. “I feel very fortunate to have had him on our leadership team. He wore many different hats and has an amazing blend of talents. I continue to look forward to working with Don as he takes on a new role.”

Dr. Gold said Leuenberger will continue to be involved in several of UNMC’s key initiatives including relations with China and in economic and community development.

Dr. Gold said a national search will be conducted to fill the vice chancellor position.

Among some of the highlights during Leuenberger’s tenure were:

  • Development of an academic campus in which all colleges/academic facilities were located on the east end of campus in close proximity to the Ruth and Bill Scott Student Plaza;
  • Complete overhaul of antiquated research facilities with the creation of two research towers on the west end of campus – the Durham Research Center and Durham Research Center II;
  • Ongoing construction of the Fred & Pamela Buffett Cancer Center, the largest construction project in the history of the University of Nebraska (the $323 million project is scheduled for completion in 2017);
  • Being instrumental in UNMC developing a strong presence in China by forging partnerships with several Chinese universities and institutions; and
  • Being instrumental in UNMC’s economic development role in Omaha and Nebraska.

“It’s been a privilege to be a part of the growth of the campus,” Leuenberger said. “We’ve transformed from a relatively small, Midwest academic medical center to one with a growing national and international presence. The physical growth of the campus is just emblematic of the growth in excellence in all areas on the campus and the overwhelming support we have received from the state and the community.

“When you look at anyone’s legacy, I think you have to look at the people with whom you have worked. I’ve been privileged to have worked with and recruited some outstanding leaders on campus. They, in turn, have recruited and mentored others — many of whom will have a significant impact on UNMC for decades to come.

“Most importantly, we have established a reputation within the entire university for innovation, capability and integrity — and always providing quality service. That means everything to me.”

Complacency will not be an issue in the next phase of his life, he said. An avid bicyclist, Leuenberger plans to ride in RAGBRAI (Register’s Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa) on July 17-23. It will be the seventh consecutive year he has rode in the event.

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  1. Howard E. Gendelman, Chairman, Department of Pharmacology and Experimental Neuroscience says:

    There are few words that can express the thankfulness felt by so many for a job well done. You will be missed though beyond the work and task accomplishments made but for who you are, the influence you have had on others and the unwavering devotion into guiding us towards real excellence. Thank you and enjoy the next stage of life's journey.

  2. Hal Maurer says:

    Congratulations , Don. You did a phenomenal job. We had fun together
    building a great campus among other firsts, including China. My best wishes to you and Janie as you take on the future. Your full set of skills and experiences will be difficult to replace in one person. You have mentored Deb and hopefully she will take these on.

  3. Aileen Warren says:

    Congratulations Don! Thanks for your many years of service to UNMC and the State of Nebraska. Best wishes as you enter the next exciting chapter in your life.

  4. Katina Winters says:

    Congratulations, Don! I had a feeling that when Ed retired, you or Keith would be next 😉 I wish you only the very best in the years moving forward. Be safe and happy pedaling!

  5. Renee Walker (Cook) says:

    Congratulations Don! Best to you in your new adventure and the next chapter in your life.

  6. Anne Lawlor says:

    Congratulations, Don! I know you and Jani will thrive in this new chapter of your lives. Seems like yesterday when you called me at HHS and wondered if I'd want to come work at UNMC. Thanks for everything!

  7. Jialin Zheng says:

    Congratulations Don! I have learned a great deal from you throughout these many years in respect to our efforts in China collaborations. The programs that were built will continue to benefit UNMC and Chinese institutions, but most importantly the people from both sides. I am looking forward to the wonderful years to come!

    I hope you and Jani enjoy some very deserved relaxed time during your retirement! Jialin Zheng

  8. Alexander Kabanov says:

    Dear Don
    It has been an honor to know you and work with you. It has been a blessing to the Center for Drug Delivery and Nanomedicine to have your continuous support. It has been a gift of G-d to have you as a dear personal friend! Thank you for all you have done for University of Nebraska, for the Center, and for me personally. Gongratulations! Warmest regards, Sasha Kabanov

  9. Steve Peters says:

    Part of the backbone to the UNMC institution and the University System.

  10. Ann Ashford says:

    Congratulations, Don! We will miss your vision, tenacity and wise counsel.
    Ann Ashford

  11. Ron Niederhaus says:

    Don, congratulations and welcome to the new reality – retirement. Interesting that we both are going at about the same time. You have been at UNMC almost as long as I have been in Omaha. All the best to you. Stay busy but not too busy. Ron Niederhaus

  12. Jayme nekuda says:

    Don, there seems to be an analogy here…your Great Bike Ride Across Iowa seems similar to your Great Bike Ride at UNMC (GBRA-UNMC). There may have been a couple of times in which you've had a slight uphill climb, a headwind, a slightly rough road & maybe even a little rain but you've had, & UNMC has experienced many, many miles of downhill rides, winds @ our backs, smooth rides & the sun in our faces with your help steering the bike! Congrats on your future rides!

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