Preparedness symposia will span state

The Nebraska Center for Preparedness Education will host its 13th Annual Preparedness Symposium Series in April, May and June in six Nebraska cities.

The symposia will feature a variety of local experts who will provide participants with basics with which to plan, tailor and refine preparedness plans. The day will culminate in a tabletop exercise activity to test local health care surge preparedness. Session topics will include presentations from professionals in public health, health care coalitions, emergency medical services (EMS), emergency management, volunteer organizations, and behavioral health.

“This year’s symposia will get back to the basics of disaster preparedness planning to ensure consistency among the many organizations charged with disaster response,” said Phil Smith, M.D., professor of internal medicine-infectious diseases and co-director of the Nebraska Center for Preparedness Education. “The importance of preparedness has never been more evident, as we have seen Ebola, terrorism and natural disasters in the headlines almost daily this last year.”

The symposia are targeted toward professionals in health care, health care education, public health, emergency management, business and industry and first responders.

One-day events will be offered in six locations:

  • April 7, Gering, Gering Civic Center
  • April 8, North Platte, Holiday Inn Express
  • April 28, Kearney, Holiday Inn Convention Center
  • May 7, Norfolk, Divots Conference Center
  • June 2, Nebraska City, Steinhart Lodge; and
  • June 18, Omaha, Scott Conference Center.

The registration fee is $45 and includes break refreshments, lunch and continuing education credits.

Continuing education credit provided by Iowa Western Community College is available for nurses, emergency medical technicians and paramedics. A complete agenda, registration information, as well as information on other programs offered by the center are available here, by email or by calling 402-552-2529.

The Center for Preparedness Education is a joint endeavor between Creighton University School of Medicine and UNMC. The center provides affordable, needs-based training; customized organizational assistance, and comprehensive resources to those involved in disaster preparedness, response and recovery.

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