124 UNMC senior medical students receive residency assignments today

Cameron Killen marks the city where he'll do his residency in orthopedics.

A total of 124 senior medical students at the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha received their residency assignments today during a Match Day ceremony held on campus.

Match Day is an annual rite of passage for medical students, a day when they learn at which U.S. residency programs they will train for the next three to seven years in the medical area of their choice.

Forty-three percent of UNMC students are staying in Nebraska for their training, and 52 percent of UNMC students matched in primary care, which includes family medicine, internal medicine, internal medicine/pediatrics, pediatrics and obstetrics/gynecology.

Students are matched through a computer program to align their preferences for residency programs in order to fill the thousands of training positions available at U.S. teaching hospitals.

According to the National Resident Matching Program®, this is the largest Main Residency Match® in its history. Nearly 17,000 U.S. seniors and more than 9,000 other applicants matched to one of the more than 27,000 first-year positions offered in the 2015 Match.

The match included 41,334 total registrants, the largest number on record. The growth in the number of U.S. seniors, 651 more than last year, is due to rising medical school enrollments and the many new schools being established.

The UNMC medical students, slated to graduate May 9, are listed by hometown, name, specialty and residency assignment.


ATKINSON Kelli Lynn Garwood, family medicine, Lincoln Med Ed Partnership, Lincoln NE; Jacob Christopher Peterson, family medicine-primary care, University of Nebraska Affiliated Hospitals, Omaha NE

AURORA Jennifer Catherine Harney, family medicine-primary care, University of Nebraska Affiliated Hospitals, Omaha NE

BEATRICE Samuel Lee Thomsen, transitional, Univ of South Dakota SSOM, Sioux Falls SD, ophthalmology, University of Missouri, Columbia MO

BELLEVUE Charles Ryan Burkett, family medicine, Clarkson Family Med Res, Omaha NE; Paul Francis Gribben, internal medicine preliminary – diagnostic radiology, University of Nebraska Affiliated Hospitals, Omaha NE; Autumn Rose Keiser, family medicine, Slouxland Med Ed Med Ed Fdn-IA, Sioux City IA; Joseph Francis Smith, emergency medicine, U New Mexico SOM, Albuquerque NM

BLAIR Jennifer J. Inbarasu, psychiatry, Mayo School of Grad Med Educ-MN, Rochester MN

COOK Laura Nanka Purcell, surgery, U North Carolina Hospitals, Chapel Hill NC

CRAIG Erin Lea Smith, neurology, University of Nebraska Affiliated Hospitals, Omaha NE

CREIGHTON Alison Jo Hirz, family medicine-primary care, University of Nebraska Affiliated Hospitals, Omaha NE; Matthew Dale Nielsen, family medicine, Rapid City Re Hosp-SD, Rapid City SD

ELGIN Kathryn Margaret Score, family medicine, Sioux Falls Family Med-SD, Sioux Falls SD

ELKHORN Travis Lee Bailey, orthopaedics, U Utah Affiliated Hospitals, Salt Lake City UT; Hayley Mignonne Faber, pediatrics, Grand Rapids Med Ed Partners-MI, Grand Rapids MI

FREMONT Blake Michael Helget, internal medicine-preliminary, Creighton Univ Affil Hosps, Omaha NE – dermatology, Medical University of SC, Charleston SC

GRETNA Brandon M. Bennett, surgery preliminary, Case Western/Univ Hosps Case Med Ctr, Cleveland OH

HASTINGS Melanie Susanne Menning, family medicine, University of Nebraska Affiliated Hospitals, Omaha NE; Aleisha Marie Menning Nabower, pediatrics, University of Nebraska Affiliated Hospitals, Omaha NE

HUMBOLDT Kassandra Meghan Connell, family medicine-primary care, University of Nebraska Affiliated Hospitals (Grand Island Program), Omaha NE

KEARNEY Micah Paul Adamson, orthopaedics, U Texas Med Branch-Galveston, Galveston TX; Andrew David Baumgartner, psychiatry, Creighton Univ Affil Hosps, Omaha NE; Emmett James Gannon, orthopaedics, University of Nebraska Affiliated Hospitals, Omaha NE; Benjamin David Owen, transitional, St Joseph Hosp-IL, Chicago IL – diagnostic radiology, UC Davis Med Ctr-CA, Sacramento CA; Andrew M. Prososki, family medicine-primary, University of Nebraska Affiliated Hospitals (Kearney Program), Omaha NE; Amanda Marie Woodward, family medicine, Methodist Hosp-Sacramento-CA, Sacramento CA

LA VISTA Jery David Inbarasu, neurology, Mayo School of Grad Med Educ-MN, Rochester MN

LINCOLN Fuad-al Ali, neurology, University of Nebraska Affiliated Hospitals, Omaha NE; Paul Joseph Aylward, surgery, University of Nebraska Affiliated Hospitals, Omaha NE; Whitney Lynn Bossert, pediatrics, University of Nebraska Affiliated Hospitals, Omaha NE; Nathan Theophilus Franssen, transitional, Naval Medical Center, San Diego CA; Tu Ngoc Ha, anesthesiology, University of Nebraska Affiliated Hospitals, Omaha NE; Andrew James Keralis, emergency medicine, University of Nebraska Affiliated Hospitals, Omaha NE; Stephen Pifer Krumland, family medicine, Grtr Lawrence Fam Hlth Ctr-MA, Lawrence MA; Nicholas James Lintel, pathology, University of Nebraska Affiliated Hospitals, Omaha NE; Alicia Lynn Muhleisen, obstetrics and gynecology, Banner Good Samaritan Med Ctr-AZ, Phoenix AZ; Joseph Michael Plambeck, anesthesiology, University of Nebraska Affiliated Hospitals, Omaha NE; Dana Bell Raml, psychiatry, Creighton Univ Affil Hosps, Omaha NE; Sena Jemil Sayood, internal medicine, U of Utah Affil Hosps, Salt Lake City UT; David C. Synhorst, pediatrics, Grand Rapids Med Ed Partners-MI, Grand Rapids MI; Jane Mei-Yan Tsui, surgery, Baystate Med Ctr-MA, Springfield MA; Cassandra Leigh Wehling, medicine-pediatrics, University of Nebraska Affiliated Hospitals, Omaha NE; Brett Radney Wergin, family medicine, Lincoln Med Ed Partnership, Lincoln NE

LOUP CITY Matthew Boyd Day, internal medicine-primary care, University of Nebraska College of Medicine, Omaha NE

MINDEN Zachary Glenn Woodward, anesthesiology, Brigham & Women’s Hospital, Boston MA

NORFOLK Benjamin Nelson LaCrosse, transitional, Resurrection Med Ctr-IL, Chicago IL – diagnostic radiology, University of Nebraska Affiliated Hospitals, Omaha NE; Cameron Mitchell Malone, medicine-pediatrics, Med Coll Wisconsin Affil Hosps, Milwaukee WI; Emily Alyce Signor, internal medicine, U Utah Affil Hosps, Salt Lake City UT; Jason Marc Thomas, internal medicine, Wright-Patterson AFB, Dayton OH

NORTH PLATTE Jordan Lee Ochs, orthopaedics, U Kansas SOM-Wichita, Wichita KS

OMAHA Ankit Agrawal, internal medicine, U Alabama Med Ctr-Birmingham, Birmingham AL; Michael Stanton Armstrong, surgery preliminary, Carle Foundation Hosp-IL, Urbana IL; Marshall Patrick Bahr, anesthesiology, UPMC Medical Education-PA, Pittsburgh PA; Kaitlyn Marie Brittan, internal medicine, University of Nebraska Affiliated Hospitals, Omaha NE; Tara Marie Burleigh, family medicine-primary care, University of Nebraska Affiliated Hospitals, Omaha NE; Kimberly Alexis Butts, family medicine, Lincoln Med Ed Partnership, Lincoln NE; Karen Elisabeth Deffenbacher, internal medicine, Brigham & Women’s Hospital, Boston MA; Landon Drew Ehlers, neurosurgery, University of Nebraska Affiliated Hospitals, Omaha NE; Spencer Maxwell Gallner, psychiatry, Creighton Univ Affil Hosps, Omaha NE; Kristen Nicole Jackson, internal medicine, Thomas Jefferson Univ-PA, Philadelphia PA; Daniel Robert Johnson, emergency medicine, University of Nebraska Affiliated Hospitals, Omaha NE; Curtis Andrew Lachowiez, internal medicine, Oregon Health & Science Univ, Portland OR; Katherine Lydiatt MacKrell, pediatrics, St Louis Univ SOM-MO, St. Louis MO; Eamon Pearse Maloney, medicine-pediatrics, U Kansas SOM-Wichita, Wichita KS; Eric Stephen Nagengast, plastic surgery, U Southern California, Los Angeles CA; Nicole Marie Nelson, obstetrics and gynecology, New Hanover Reg Med Ctr-NC, Wilmington NC; Stephen John Nogel, internal medicine preliminary, Creighton Univ Affil Hosps, Omaha NE – diagnostic radiology, Mayo School of Grad Med Educ-MN, Rochester MN; Melissa Ann Hepburn O’Dell, psychiatry, Creighton Univ Affil Hosps, Omaha NE; Skye Lyn O’Hearn, anesthesiology, University of Nebraska Affiliated Hospitals, Omaha NE; Patrick James Passarelli, medicine-pediatrics, UC San Diego Med Ctr-CA, San Diego CA; Katheryn Lynn Paulsen, pediatrics, Virginia Commonwealth U Hlth Sys, Richmond VA; Adam Michael Rensch, family medicine, Lincoln Med Ed Partnership, Lincoln NE; Cory J. Rohlfsen, internal medicine-primary care, University of Nebraska Affiliated Hospitals, Omaha NE; Andrew Siref, pathology, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center-CA, Los Angeles CA; Robert Joseph Szalewski, internal medicine, U Iowa Hosps and Clinics, Iowa City IA; Grant A. Turner, internal medicine, Thomas Jefferson Univ-PA, Philadelphia PA; James Ryan Willcockson, plastic surgery, U Utah Affil Hosps, Salt Lake City UT

PAPILLION Matthew Robert Kelly, psychiatry, Naval Medical Center, San Diego CA; Kristin P. Hanson Robidou, family medicine, John Peter Smith Hosp-TX, Fort Worth TX; Krista Marie Stoecker, family medicine-primary care, University of Nebraska Affiliated Hospitals, Omaha NE; Jeffrey Wayne Wentz, psychiatry, San Antonio Uniformed Services Health Education Consortium, Fort Sam Houston TX

RALSTON Katie Anne Kenealy, pediatrics, U Utah Affil Hosps, Salt Lake City UT

RAVENNA Tyler Ryan Teichmeier, pathology, University of Nebraska Affiliated Hospitals, Omaha NE

RUSHVILLE Danielle J. Thies, family medicine-primary care, University of Nebraska Affiliated Hospitals, Omaha NE

SCOTTSBLUFF Nicholas Robert Brening, internal medicine, U Utah Affil Hosps, Salt Lake City UT; David Anthony Doyle, emergency medicine, U Texas Southwestern Med Sch-Dallas, Dallas TX; Ashley Rene Gutwein, vascular surgery, Indiana Univ Sch of Med, Indianapolis IN

SEWARD Nicole Marie Williams Akers, family medicine, Bayfront Med Ctr-FL, St. Petersburg FL; Brandon Marcus Wachal, otolaryngology, University of Nebraska Affiliated Hospitals, Omaha NE

SPENCER Mikaela Jean Koenig, family medicine, Sioux Falls Family Med-SD, Sioux Falls SD

STROMSBURG Jenna L. Allison, pediatrics, University of Nebraska Affiliated Hospitals, Omaha NE; Brent David Jameson, family medicine-primary care, University of Nebraska Affiliated Hospitals, Omaha NE

TILDEN Karolyn Francis Fox-Dahl, anesthesiology, U Iowa Hosps and Clinics, Iowa City IA; Kelli Rae Osborn, family medicine-primary care, University of Nebraska Affiliated Hospitals (Norfolk Program), Omaha NE

WATERLOO Tyler Reece Burnett, surgery, University of Nebraska Affiliated Hospitals, Omaha NE

WAYNE Alexander Knezevic, transitional, Steward Carney Hospital, Boston MA, ophthalmology, Northwestern University, Evanston IL

WOLBACH Heather Jean Berney, psychiatry, Univ of South Dakota SSOM, Sioux Falls SD

YUTAN Courtney Lynne Schroeder, internal medicine, UC San Diego Med Ctr-CA, San Diego CA


PHOENIX, AZ Christopher Dean Spencer, anesthesiology, University of Virginia, Charlottesville VA

HAYWARD, CA Gautam Kumar Malhotra, surgery, University of Nebraska College of Medicine, Omaha NE

FORT COLLINS, CO Sias Joseph Scherger, internal medicine, Wake Forest Baptist Med Ctr-NC, Winston Salem NC

NAMPA, ID Tyler Hartley, anesthesiology, University of Nebraska Affiliated Hospitals, Omaha NE

COUNCIL BLUFFS, IA Mark E. Thomsen, psychiatry, Creighton Univ Affil Hosps, Omaha NE

DES MOINES, IA Robert John Schneider, internal medicine, Central Iowa Health System, Des Moines IA

FOREST CITY, IA Mariam Mettry Hull, child neurology, Baylor Coll Med-Houston-TX, Houston TX

SIOUX CITY, IA Anthony Daniel Oberle, surgery preliminary – urology, University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, Iowa City IA

AUBURN, KS, Sarah Marie Marsicek, pediatrics, All Childrens Hospital-FL, St. Petersburg FL

EDEN PRAIRIE, MN Daniel Aaron Grindstaff, family medicine, University of Nebraska Affiliated Hospitals, Omaha NE

MINNEAPOLIS, MN Cameron James Killen, orthopaedics, Loyola Univ Med Ctr-IL, Maywood IL

ROCHESTER, MN Cameron James Stohler Risma, psychiatry, Pine Rest Christian Mental Hlth Svcs-MI, Grand Rapids MI

KANSAS CITY, MO Paige Ann Lundy, neurosurgery, U Kansas SOM-Kansas City, Kansas City KS

ST. LOUIS, MO Irina Rozin, obstetrics and gynecology, U Utah Affil Hosps, Salt Lake City UT

WASHINGTON, MO Andrew Thomas Greer, internal medicine preliminary – diagnostic radiology, University of Nebraska Affiliated Hospitals, Omaha NE

HANOVER, PA Brandon Patrick Staub, anesthesiology, UPMC Medical Education-PA, Pittsburgh PA

MITCHELL, SD Kathleen Amelia Young, internal medicine, Mayo School of Grad Med Educ-MN, Rochester MN

BRISTOL, TN Robert Ashby Weir, psychiatry, U Texas Southwestern Med Sch-Dallas, Dallas TX

PARIS, TX DeAndre Bluitt, psychiatry, Creighton Univ Affil Hosps, Omaha NE

OGDEN, UT Bryan C. Williams, surgery preliminary, University of Nebraska Affiliated Hospitals, Omaha NE

MARQUETTE, WI Eddie K. Brotkowski, surgery preliminary, University of Nebraska Affiliated Hospitals, Omaha NE


AFGHANISTAN – Kahlid Mahmud Sahak, internal medicine preliminary, University of Nebraska Affiliated Hospitals, Omaha NE

CHINA Huiying Guo, family medicine, U Minnesota Med School, Minneapolis MN

TOGO Dathe Z. Benissan-Messan, surgery, Ohio State University Med Ctr, Columbus OH

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