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Human Resources offers leave training for supervisors

Human Resources will offer a training workshop, “Navigating the FMLA Process,”
specifically for leave coordinators, administrators and supervisors — both faculty and staff.

The workshop will provide information and tools for effective administration of the Family and Medical Leave Act including policies and procedures, qualifying events, forms and frequently asked questions.

Sessions will be held:

  • Tuesday, March 10 — 10 to 11:20 a.m., Sorrell Center, Room 1005
  • Tuesday, March 17 — 1 to 2:20 p.m., Sorrell Center, Room 2010

To register, log on to UNMC Employee Services, click on the education tab, then on event registration or click here.

Space is limited to 80 participants per session.

For more information contact Employee Relations at 402-559-5827.

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