Nebraska Medicine newsletter available to UNMC

Are you interested in keeping up-to-date with the events at Nebraska Medicine? Now you can. A link has been created for UNMC colleagues to sign up for the Nebraska Medicine Now daily email. The newsletter is available only to faculty, staff and students.

Monday through Thursday morning, subscribers will receive an email with that day’s news. On Friday, they will receive The Week in Review, a wrap-up of the week’s stories.

To opt in to receive Nebraska Medicine Now, click here. Type in your email address in the gray box and click “Subscribe.”

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  1. Sarah says:

    The link isn't working.

  2. UNMC Today Editor says:

    If you have trouble with the link, copy this link to your browser:

  3. Donna Wenzel says:

    I was visiting the med center and saw the Little Free Library near the gift shop. I am a retired librarian and was very sad to see it so empty. I don't know who set it up originally, but assumed it would be ok to refill it, so my friend and I filled it with pretty new books. I labeled the books with "Please return to UNMC Little Free Library" thinking if books got left around the hospital waiting rooms and clinics, perhaps the staff would return them. But it is empty again! Do you think you could include a note about returning books left lying around in your staff newsletter? I could even send a picture to include. Perhaps we could even encourage staff to make donations to help keep it filled. If you have questions, please contact me at

  4. Robb Crouch says:

    I was unable to get the opt in link to work or by copying it into the browser. Thank you!
    Robb Crouch,

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