Lookin’ at U – Kerissa Hanson

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Kerissa Hanson

Each Thursday, we meet a medical center employee. This week, we learn more about:

  • Name: Kerissa Hanson
  • Hometown: Omaha
  • No. of years at UNMC: Eight

Tell us a bit about what you do here at UNMC.

I joined the UNMC Division of Physical Therapy Education in the School of Allied Health Professions on July 1, 2014. I help ensure the smooth operation of the day-to-day activities in the division. I am also responsible for accreditation maintenance and the coordination of special events including new student orientation, professionalism (white coat) ceremony, class officer elections, back stage pass, convocation, and continuing education programs. I also oversee the development of a quarterly newsletter.

Being a trusted resource is one of UNMC’s brand values. Tell us of a time you witnessed a person or group act as a trusted resource at UNMC.
I believe our physical therapy education program faculty members are trusted resources. This is certainly true here at home, where we are preparing to expand our program to Kearney. It is also true in China, where several faculty members are assisting in the development of a physical therapy education program at Tongji University in Shanghai.
Also, within the School of Allied Health Professions, Fran Higgins, Virgie Powers, and Nicki Simmons (to name a few!) come to mind as trusted resources in their respective roles — communication specialist, travel associate, and event planner.

What is your favorite winter activity?
In the winter I dream of spring! Year round, I enjoy spending time with family and friends, exercising, listening to live music, and checking out local coffee shops.

List three things people may not know about you.

  • I love to travel – Door County, Wis.; Boston; Edinburgh, Scotland; and Florence, Italy, are a few of my favorite destinations so far.
  • I am very patriotic and was blessed to be able to work in D.C. for a few years after college. It was a wonderful experience!
  • American history is an interest of mine. Several of the books I’ve read recently include “1776,” by David McCullough and “George Washington’s Secret Six: The Spy Ring that Saved the American Revolution,” by Brian Kilmeade and Don Yaeger.
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  1. Fran Higgins says:

    Thanks for the mention, Kerissa. You're an asset to the School! You'll have to come over some time for Door County fish boil! (My hubbie's from Wisconsin and makes a mean batch.) 🙂

  2. Diane Landon says:

    We are so happy to have you with us in SAHP! You are wonderful to work with!

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