Security escorts available after dark

Campus security officers Gary Crowell (left) and Sgt. Jeff Ebel.

As we all know, running a hospital is a 24/7 operation. For those colleagues leaving when it’s dark, the campus security department wants to remind you that officers are always available to escort you to your vehicle.

“This is a service we provide,” said Gary Svanda, director of campus security. “We want staff to use it.”

On average, Svanda said security receives about 18 calls per evening and about six overnight. Security is staffed with an average of 11 officers on duty at any given time.

“The average wait time for an escort is about 10 minutes,” Svanda said, adding it could be longer if several officers are responding to an incident on campus.
“We want to make sure you get to your car safely,” he said. “Our officers will wait until you are inside your car and it’s started.”

If you walk to work, Svanda said officers can escort you to the perimeter of campus to shorten your walk.

In addition to security escorts, 34 emergency phones, marked by a blue light, can be found throughout the campus. If someone presses the button but does not respond when dispatch answers, an officer will be sent to the area to make sure there’s not a safety issue.

“Fortunately, we don’t have many safety incidents on campus,” said Svanda. But that’s not an excuse to not stay alert. Security offers these personal safety tips on their website and reminds staff and students to not walk alone at night. Another important tip: Be sure to save Security’s number in your cell phone for quick access in an emergency.

Also on their website, you can find daily security reports, crime stats and other important information.

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1 comment

  1. Dan Mcquade says:

    Also ….the car starting service that you contract with to start problem cars……THANK YOU…I used it once….Dan Mc

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