Nebraska Science Festival launches inaugural contests

Bigger and better than ever, the 2015 Nebraska Science Festival is launching its first video and essay contest, while also encouraging teachers to sign their classes up for the Science Expos and/or invite a science expert into their classroom.

Gearing up for its third year, the Nebraska Science Festival – scheduled for April 10-18 – will feature an array of science- and technology-related activities in communities across the state. For those who love science, why wait until April? There are things to do and/or plan for now including the: 

  • Germ Challenge: Create a 30-second video that explains what a germ is to a fifth-grade audience. Open to all 13- through 18-year-olds. The deadline to enter is March 1, 2015.
  • Student Expos: Teachers may register to have their students participate in fun and engaging hands-on learning opportunities April 16 and 17 at both The Durham Museum and the Strategic Air & Space Museum. Registration is first-come, first-served.
  • Essay Contest: Write a 150- to 1,000-word essay related to the expertise of the festival’s keynote speaker and win a chance to meet them. Open to all fourth- through 12-grade Nebraska students. Entries must be postmarked no later than March 1, 2015.
  • Bring a Scientist to School: Teachers may schedule a University of Nebraska science expert to visit their classroom. Visit for a list of topics, presentation lengths and available dates. Participation is limited so register early.

For details on the essay and video contest, as well as to sign up for the Science Expos or request a science expert, go to:

Presented by the University of Nebraska Medical Center, the Nebraska Science Festival is a collaboration of organizations and individuals interested in the advancement of science literacy. The Science Festival is designed to make science accessible, interactive, relevant and fun for kids and adults alike.

In addition to UNMC, other sponsors, to date, include Nebraska Medicine, the Nebraska Coalition for Lifesaving Cures, Metro Credit Union, HDR, West Corporation and media sponsors KETV and the Omaha World-Herald.

In addition to, you will find SciFest updates and information on Twitter (@NESciFest) and Facebook (NE SciFest).

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