United Way, Day 5: First prize drawing today

At 4 p.m. today, the UNMC United Way committee will draw prize winners for the first week of the campaign.

This week’s prizes include:

  • Two Husker football tickets to the Oct. 25 game vs Rutgers
  • One $100 Visa cash card.

The running total

As of 3 p.m. Thursday, UNMC achieved:

  • Donations of $91,586.60, more than 60 percent of the campaign goal of $150,000.
  • Employee participation of 23 percent. This year’s employee participation goal is 50 percent. Remember, using the UNMC eServ website to choose not to donate counts as participation!

Employees of UNMC who pledge a minimum of $20 to the United Way campaign will be eligible for the prizes listed above. You can log into eServe and make a pledge by 4 p.m. today to be included in the drawing.

Employees of UNMC who donate a minimum of $5 to the United Way are invited to a free ice cream social event on Sept. 26 from 2 to 3:30 p.m. in the Sorrell Center, second floor commons. To receive free ice cream, employees must show a printout receipt of their United Way pledge.

All participants in the United Way campaign are eligible for prizes in the final week’s drawing. Remember, you do not have to make a donation in order to participate!

To participate in supporting the United Way:

  • Click on this link. (The link will take you to UNMC eServ page.)
  • Enter your UNMC username and password.
  • Click on the United Way link and participate today!
  • New this year: Credit card donations are accepted!
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