United Way Day 3: Why I am a supporter

Tom O'Connor

UNMC is currently taking part in the 2014 United Way Campaign. Each week during the campaign, we will feature a member of the UNMC community who is a United Way supporter.

Today, we meet:

  • Name: Tom O’Connor
  • Department: UNMC Public Relations

Favorite United Way community partners:

Although I leave my United Way donation undesignated, so that the organization can allocate my gift to the causes they see fit, three UW community partners I particularly admire are:

  • American Red Cross
  • American Heart Association
  • Salvation Army

The running total

As of 3 p.m. Tuesday, UNMC achieved:

  • Donations of $73,717, nearly 50 percent of the campaign goal of $150,000.
  • Employee participation of 16 percent. Last year, there was 42 percent participation — that should be an easy number to break. Remember, using the UNMC eServ website to choose not to donate counts as participation!

I support the United Way because:
I have been a United Way supporter for nearly 40 years. I worked as a United Way loaned executive many years ago, and it was an eye-opening experience. I saw firsthand the number of lives United Way touches in our local community through the many organizations it supports and the services it provides. I truly believe that United Way is the best donation one can make to benefit the community. There is no better way to help people, because United Way touches everybody.

To join me in supporting the United Way:

  • Click on this link. (The link will take you to UNMC eServ page.)
  • Enter your UNMC username and password.
  • Click on the United Way link and participate today!
  • New this year: Credit card donations are accepted!
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