Say ‘Thanks’ to an EVS worker this week

Sahida Tejeda, EVS lead, is one of hundreds of dedicated EVS staff members.

Sometimes we take for granted the fact that our office area is clean, the wastepaper basket is empty and the bathroom is clean when we come to work each morning.

This wouldn’t be possible without the dedicated staff of Environmental Services.

This week is National Healthcare Environmental Services Week. When you see an EVS employee, thank them for their hard work.

The 268 EVS employees at the clinical enterprise come from a variety of countries and represent seven different languages.

Each day, EVS workers clean 3.7 million square feet, the equivalent of 2,055 average-size homes.

Here’s another fun fact. Each year, we use enough toilet paper in the clinical enterprise to reach from here to Dublin, Ireland!

Impress your friends with that piece of trivia.

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  1. Barbara Harrison says:

    thanks To Debbie Mackey & Bubba Roberts that are our EVS in Poynter Hall! They are always pleasant and helpful!!! Thanks!

  2. Robert Dietrich says:

    A big thank you to Craig Lainson and Zonia Nazaruk, who do a great job in the 4230 Building.

  3. Tere says:

    Kayla Cokes, WE are glad you are back. We missed you!

  4. Sheri Lash says:

    I second the "Thank you" to Craig and Zonia in the 4230 Building. They both do a great job and are always willing to help!

  5. Alvin says:

    Thank you to Sang Schweer & Nelslord Boamah in the admin bldg. Keep up the excellent work!!

  6. Yogesh Sonawane says:

    Thank you Lisa Lantz for being so committed. You do a good job and always helpful!!

  7. Hanwen Zhang says:

    Thank you, Lisa Lantz! You are so warm-hearted and your friendliness makes me feel at home.

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