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Little Free Library added to Durham Outpatient Center

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Matthew Rothgeb built the library as part of his Eagle Scout project. The library is located on the second floor of the Durham Outpatient Center.
I have always loved reading, so I was excited when I heard that a Little Free Library (LFL) has been added to the second floor of the Durham Outpatient Center, outside of the Gift Shop. You’ll be happy to know the placement was approved ahead of time, so it will not be removed. Now, if I forget to bring a book to read at lunch I can zip over and pick one up. It’s also nice to know that there’s a place to leave books I’ve finished and don’t want to keep.

The Little Free Libraries have become a means to promote literacy and the love of reading, and to build a sense of community by sharing books, skills and creativity.

The directions for use are simple: take a book, leave a book. There is a selection of books for every age from young children to adults. You do not need to have a book to exchange if something catches your fancy, and you don’t need to take a book in order to leave one. Patients, their family members, visitors and employees can share what they’re reading. Parents of hospitalized young children can pick up something new to read to their child.

Anyone can donate books in reasonable condition. If you’re donating, we ask that you make sure there is room on the shelves for your books. Please do not leave them on the floor around the structure. You can email livegreen@unmc.edu to arrange to donate books if there is not enough room on the shelves. LiveGreen volunteers will re-stock and rotate the selection of books as needed.

The LFL is a gift from Matthew Rothgeb, completed as his Eagle Scout project. Matt is the son of UNMC employee Kimberly Rothgeb, who supports the National Public Health Lab in DRC II. He constructed the library from wood reclaimed from pallets found at UNMC and decorated it with pieces of old Scrabble games. The Little Free Library was installed on June 30, and two people stopped by to select books as Matt was stocking the shelves for the first time.

What does LiveGreen have to do with Little Free Libraries? They’re a great way to re-use books, they can be made of reclaimed materials, the books are free, and they provide a way for people to connect with one another.

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  1. Sheryl Brietzke - FMP Operation UNMC says:

    I love the idea!! I am a live long advocate of literacy! I actually did a literacy program with Americorp for ages headstart to 3rd grade…..it was very rewarding. Thank you Matthew!!

  2. Denise Pecha says:

    Love it! Thank you Matt! We actually installed a Little Free Library in our front yard last month and the response has been phenomenal from the neighborhood. These Libraries are great at connecting people and encouraging literacy.

  3. Leslie Scofield says:

    This is wonderful! We have had a Little Free Library in our yard for a year now!

  4. Mary Adolphson says:

    What a wonderful idea! Thank you for your terrific idea and work, Matt!

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