Lookin’ at U – Susan Siebler

Susan Siebler

Each Thursday, we randomly feature a medical center employee. This week, we learn more about:

  • Name: Susan Siebler
  • Hometown: Pawnee City, Neb.
  • No. of years at UNMC: 27

Tell us a bit about what you do here at UNMC.
I am the administrative assistant to Kevin Garvin, M.D., Beau Konigsberg, M.D., and Curtis Hartman, M.D. They keep me busy with travel, scheduling meetings and PowerPoint presentations. I also help with bringing in visiting professors and recruiting new faculty members.

“Commitment to Excellence” is one of UNMC’s brand values. Tell us of a time you witnessed a person or group demonstrate commitment to excellence at UNMC.
I’ve seen many changes throughout my career at UNMC such as the merger of the University and Clarkson hospitals. It will be interesting to witness even more positive changes for our patients when UNMC Physicians, The Nebraska Medical Center, Bellevue Medical Center, UNMC College of Medicine and Private Practice Associates complete the clinical enterprise transformation.

What is your favorite summer activity?
I am passionate about anything that has to do with outdoor activity such as gardening, exercise, concerts and eating. My husband and I have a small acreage that keeps us busy with yard and garden work. We’re even thinking about raising chickens.

List three things people may not know about you.

  • In the 1980s, I taught exercise classes at the original UNMC student and employee gym. I still work out at the Center for Healthy Living — sans the leg warmers!
  • In 2012, I completed my college undergraduate degree majoring in Gerontology. I was 56 when I received my diploma — you’re never too old to go back to school. Whoops, I just gave away my age.
  • Starting Aug. 1, there will be two “Sieblers” in orthopaedics. My stepson, Justin Siebler, M.D., is joining the department. He specializes in orthopaedic traumatology.
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  1. Julie Siebler says:

    Awesome article!! Way to go, Sue!!

  2. Sandy Willett says:

    I remember those aerobics classes in the 80's!

  3. Dianne Siebler says:

    Very nice article about you!!!

  4. Machell Aarhus says:

    A great read from a great lady! Always an inspiration to others. Doing a "FaBuLoUs" job, Sue! ❥

  5. PAUL E. EDWARDS says:

    Great article!

  6. Paula B Turpen says:

    I so enjoyed those aerobics classes! Great to learn of your accomplishments. You go, Sue!

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